List of homophones
This is a list of homophones (same sound, different spelling).
The words are grouped by vowel and rhyming sounds.
Contents |
Homophone List
Sound: A [ace]
- Sound: A
- flay/fley ('flA)
- hay/hey ('hA)
- jay/[J] ('jA)
- (kay/[K])/(quai/quay) ('kA)
- lay/lei ('lA)
- nay/neigh/nee ('nA)
- pray/prey ('prA)
- ray/[re] ('rA)
- sleigh/slay ('slA)
- tray/trey ('trA)
- way/weigh/whey ('wA)
- patience/patients ('pA-sh&n(t)s, 'pA-sh&nts)
- Sound: Ad
- ade/aid/aide ('Ad)
- braid/brayed ('brAd)
- grade/(grayed/greyed) ('grAd)
- lade/laid ('lAd)
- maid/made ('mAd)
- raid/rayed ('rAd)
- spade/spayed ('sAd)
- trade/trayed ('trAd)
- wade/weighed ('wAd)
- Sound: Ak
- brake/break ('brAk)
- stake/steak ('stAk)
- Sound: Ale
- ale/ail ('A(&)l)
- bale/bail ('bA(&)l)
- gale/Gail/Gayle ('gA(&)l)
- hale/hail ('hA(&)l)
- male/mail ('mA(&)l)
- pale/pail ('pA(&)l)
- sale/sail ('sA(&)l)
- tale/tail ('tA(&)l)
- vale/vail/veil ('vA(&)l)
- wale/whale/wail ('wA(&)l)
- Sound: An
- brain/brane ('brAn)
- fain/fane/feign ('fAn)
- lain/lane ('lAn)
- main/mane/mein/Maine ('mAn)
- pain/pane ('pAn)
- plain/plane ('plAn)
- rain/reign/rein ('rAn)
- vain/vane/vein ('vAn)
- Sound: Ant
- faint/feint ('fAnt)
- Sound: As
- bass/base ('bAs)
- Sound: Ast
- waste/waist ('wAst)
- Sound: At
- ate/(eight/[8]) ('At)
- bait/bate ('bAt)
- gait/gate ('gAt)
- great/grate/[grateful] ('grAt)
- plate/plait ('plAt)
- strait/straight ('strAt)
- wait/weight ('wAt)
- Sound: Av
- naval/navel ('nA-v&l, 'nA-v&l)
- wave/waive ('wAv)
- waver/waiver ('wA-v&r)
- Sound: Az
- days/daze ('dAz)
- faze/phase ('fAz)
- frays/phrase ('frAz)
- gaze/gay's ('gAz)
- graze/(grays/greys) ('grAz)
- haze/hay's ('hAz)
- maize/maze/Mays/May's ('mAz)
- praise/prays/preys ('prAz)
- raise/raze/rays/Ray's ('rAz)
- sleighs/slays ('slAz)
Sound: E [easy]
- Sound: E
- be/bee/[B] ('bE)
- (dee/[D]) ('dE)
- (ee/[E]) ('E)
- flee/flea ('flE)
- (gee/[G]) ('jE)
- cay/key/(quay/quai) ('kE)
- me/[mi] ('mE)
- see/sea/cee[C] ('sE)
- pea/pee/[P] ('pE)
- tee/tea/[ti]/[T] ('tE)
- the/thee ('[th]E)
- (vee/[V]) ('vE)
- we/wee ('wE)
- (zee/[Z]) ('zE)
- Sound: Ech
- beach/beech ('bEch)
- breach/breech ('brEch)
- (leach/leech) ('lEch)
- Sound: Ed
- cede/seed ('sEd)
- heed/he'd ('hEd)
- meed/mead ('mEd)
- knead/kneed/need ('nEd)
- read/reed/rede ('rEd)
- weed/we'd ('wEd)
- Sound: Ek
- creak/creek ('krEk)
- leak/leek ('lEk)
- peak/peek/pique ('pEk)
- (sheik/sheikh)/chic ('shEk)
- weak/week ('wEk)
- wreak/reek ('rEk)
- Sound: El
- heal/heel/he'll ('hE(&)l)
- peal/peel ('pEl(&))
- real/reel ('rE(&)l)
- seal/seel/ceil ('sE(&)l)
- sealing/ceiling ('sE(&)l-[ng])
- steal/steel ('stE(&)l)
- weal/wheal/wheel/we'll ('wE(&)l)
- weald/wield/wheeled ('wE(&)ld)
- Sound: Em
- (cream/creme) ('krEm)
- deem/deme ('dEm)
- seam/seem ('sEm)
- semen/seamen ('sE-m&n)
- teem/team ('tEm)
- Sound: En
- dean/dene ('dEn)
- jean/gene/Jean/Gene ('jEn)
- jeans/genes/Jean's/Gene's ('jEns)
- lien/lean ('lEn)
- mean/mien ('mEn)
- scene/seen ('sEn)
- Sound: Ep
- cheap/cheep ('chEp)
- Sound: Er
- [eerie,eery]/Erie ('ir-E, 'Er-)
- Sound: Es
- piece/peace ('pEs)
- Sound: Et
- sweet/suite ('swEt)
- Sound: Ez
- bees/[B's] ('bEz)
- ease/[E's] ('Ez)
- pleas/please ('plEz)
- sees/seas/seize/[C's] ('sEz)
- teas/tees/tease/[T's] ('tEz)
- Sound: Et
- beat/beet ('bEt)
- feat/feet ('fEt)
- meat/meet/mete ('mEt)
- peat/Pete ('pEt)
- Sound: Ev
- weave/we've (wEv)
- eave/eve/Eve ('Ev)
- eaves/eves/Eve's ('Evz)
Sound: I [ice]
- Sound: I
- buy/(by/bye) ('bI)
- hi/high/hie ('hI)
- die/dye ('dI)
- (ay/aye)/eye/I/[I] ('I)
- lie/lye ('lI)
- pie/[pi] ('pI)
- rye/wry ('rI)
- sigh/[psi] ('sI)
- tie/Thai ('tI)
- why/wye[Y] ('wI)
- Sound: Id
- eyed/I'd ('Id)
- pride/pried ('prId)
- side/sighed ('sId)
- tide/tied ('tId)
- wide/why'd ('wId)
- Sound: Il
- isle/aisle/I'll ('I(&)l)
- viol/vial/vile ('vI(-&)l, 'vI(&)l)
- wile/while ('wI(&)l)
- wild/whiled/wiled ('wI(&)ld)
- Sound: Im
- rime/rhyme ('rIm)
- time/thyme ('tIm)
- Sound: In
- minor/miner ('mI-n&r)
- nine[9]/nein<German> ('nIn)
- sign/sine ('sIn)
- find/fined ('fInd)
- mind/mined ('mInd)
- wind/whined/wined/wynd ('wInd)
- Sound: Ir
- dire/dyer ('dIr, 'dI(-&)r)
- drier/dryer ('drI(-&)r)
- flier/flyer ('flI(-&)r)
- hire/higher ('hI(-&)r)
- liar/lier/lyre ('lI(-&)r)
- sire/sigher ('sIr, 'sI(-&)r)
- tire/tier ('tIr, 'tI(-&)r)
- wire/why're ('wIr)
- Sound: Iz
- (prize/prise) ('prIz)
- sighs/size ('sIz)
- wise/whys/why's/[Y's] (wIz)
- Sound: It
- bite/bight/byte ('bIt)
- knight/night ('nIt)
- might/mite ('mIt)
- rite/right/write/wright ('rIt)
- cite/sight/site ('sIt)
- recite/resight/resite (ri-'sIt)
- slight/sleight ('slIt)
Sound: O [go]
- Sound: O
- oh/owe/[O] ((')O)
- bow/beau ('bO)
- doe/dough/[do] ('dO)
- flow/floe ('flO)
- ho/hoe ('hO)
- lo/low ('lO)
- know/no ('nO)
- roe/row/[rho] ('rO)
- sew/so ('sO)
- slow/sloe ('slO)
- throw/throe ('thrO)
- toe/tow ('tO)
- Sound: Och
- broach/brooch ('brOch)
- Sound: Od
- bode/bowed ('bOd)
- load/lode/lowed ('lOd)
- mode/mowed ('mOd)
- ode/owed ('Od)
- road/rode/rowed ('rOd)
- toad/toed/towed ('tOd)
- Sound: [OI]
- roil/royal ('roi(-&)l)
- Sound: Ok
- yolk/yoke ('yOk)
- Sound: Ol
- boll/bole/bowl ('bOl)
- cole/coal ('kOl)
- hole/whole ('hOl)
- holy/holey/wholly ('hO-lE)
- pole/poll ('pOl)
- role/roll ('rOl)
- sole/soul/Seoul ('sOl)
- tole/toll ('tOl)
- bold/bowled ('bOld)
- hold/holed ('hOld)
- sold/souled/soled ('sOld)
- told/tolled ('tOld)
- Sound: Om
- comb/combe ('kOm, 'küm)
- roam/Rome ('rOm)
- Sound: On
- groan/grown ('grOn)
- loan/lone ('lOn)
- moan/mown ('mOn)
- shone/shown ('shOn)
- sone/sewn/sown ('sOn)
- throne/thrown ('thrOn)
- Sound: Or
- boar/bore/Boer ('bOr)
- for/fore/(four/[4]) ('fOr)
- forward/foreword ('for-w&rd, 'fOr-w&rd)
- oar/or/ore/o'er ('Or)
- poor/pore/pour (pOr)
- soar/sore ('sOr)
- your/you're/yore (yOr)
- board/bored ('bOrd)
- gourd/gored ('gord, 'gOrd)
- hoard/horde/whored ('hOrd)
- sword/soared ('sOrd)
- coarse/course ('kOrs)
- hoarse/horse ('hors, 'hOrs)
- soars/sores ('sOrz)
- forth/fourth ('fOrth)
- born/borne ('bOrn)
- Sound: Ot
- mote/moat ('mOt)
- rote/wrote ('rOt)
- Sound: Otch
- brooch/broach ('brOch)
- Sound: Oz
- hose/hoes ('hOz)
- knows/nose/(noes/nos) ('nOz)
- rows/rose/roes ('rOz)
Sound: U/yü
- Sound: ü
- toupee/to-pay (tü-'pA)
- pupil/pupal ('pyü-p&l)
- yew/you/ewe/[U] ('yü)
- use/yews/ewes/[U's] ('yüz)
- yule/you'll ('yü(&)l, 'yul, 'y&l)
Sound: a [ash]
- Sound: a[ks]
- tacks/tax ('taks)
- Sound: ach
- bach/batch ('bach)
- catch/ketch ('kach, 'kech)
- Sound: ad
- ad/add ('ad)
- Sound: ak
- acclimation/acclamation ("a-kl&-'mA-sh&n)
- rack/wrack ('rak)
- sac/sack ('sak)
- Sound: al
- palette/pallet ('pa-l&t)
- pall/pol/Paul ('pol, 'päl)
- Sound: am
- dam/damn ('dam)
- jam/jamb ('jam)
- lam/lamb ('lam)
- Sound: an
- cannon/canon ('ka-n&n)
- canvas/canvass (kan-v&s)
- manner/manor ('ma-n&r)
- band/banned ('band)
- ant/aunt ('ant, '[a']nt)
- cant/can't ('kant)
- Sound: ap
- capital/capitol ('ka-p&-t&l)
- rap/wrap ('rap)
- rapper/wrapper ('ra-p&r)
- rapping/wrapping ('ra-pi[ng])
- rapped/wrapped ('rapd)
- Sound: ar
- aerial/Ariel ('ar-E-&l)
- barren/baron ('bar-&n)
- heir/air/ere/err ('ar, 'er)
- heirs/airs/errs ('arz, 'erz)
- bare/bear ('bar)
- fair/fare ('far)
- (fairy/faery)/ferry ('far-E)
- hair/hare ('har)
- (carat/karat)/caret/carrot ('kar-&t)
- pair/pear/pare ('par)
- stair/stare ('star)
- tear/tare ('tar)
- there/their/they're ('[th]ar, '[th]er)
- theirs/there's ('[th]arz)
- where/wear/ware/weir ('war)
- marry/merry/Mary ('mar-E)
- Sound: a[sh]
- cache/cash ('kash)
- Sound: ast
- cast/caste ('kast)
- Sound: at
- mat/(matte/matt)/Matt ('mat)
- Sound: av
- have/halve ('hav)
- Sound: az
- ascent/assent (&-'sent)
Sound: au [cow]
- Sound: au
- bow/bough ('bau)
- chow/ciao ('chau)
- (plow/plough) ('plau)
- sow/sough ('sau)
- Sound: aul
- foul/fowl ('fau(&)l)
- Sound: aun
- council/counsel ('kaun(t)-s&l)
- councillor/counselor ('kaun(t)-s(&-)l&r)
- Sound: aur
- hour/our ('au(-&)r)
- flour/flower ('flaur, 'flau(-&)r)
Sound: e [ten]
- Sound: e[ch]
- retch/wretch ('rech)
- Sound: ed
- bread/bred ('bred)
- led/lead ('led)
- medal/meddle ('me-d&l)
- pedal/peddle ('pe-d&l)
- red/read ('red)
- Sound: ek
- reck/wreck ('rek)
- Sound: el
- ex/[X] ((')eks)
- (ef/[F]) ('ef)
- ell/(el/[L]) ('el)
- (em/[M]) ('em)
- (en/[N]) ('en)
- (es/[S]) ('es)
- cell/sell ('sel)
- cellar/seller ('se-l&r)
- Sound: en
- ben/been/Ben ('ben)
- cent/sent/scent ('sent)
- cents/scents/sense ('sents, 'sen(t)s)
- censer/censor/sensor ('sen(t)-s&r)
- centaury/Centaurii ('sen-"tor-E)
- dense/dents ('den(t)s, 'dents)
- presence/presents ('pre-z&n(t)s, 'pre-z&nts)
- residence/residents ('re-z&-d&n(t)s, 're-z&-d&nts)
- Sound: ep
- step/steppe ('step)
- Sound: ery
- berry/bury/Barry ('ber-E)
- vary/very ('ver-E)
- Sound: es
- desert/dessert ('de-z&rt, di-'z&rt)
- rest/wrest ('rest)
- Sound: ether
- weather/wether/whether ('we-[th]&r)
- Sound: et
- wet/whet ('wet)
- metal/mettle ('me-t&l)
Sound: & [pun]
- Sound: &
- aloud/allowed (&-'laud)
- bazaar/bizarre (b&-'zär)
- Sound: &l
- idyll/idle/idol ('I-d&l)
- muscle/mussel ('m&-s&l)
- Sound: um
- come/cum ('k&m, 'kum)
- plum/plumb ('pl&m)
- rum/rhumb ('r&m, 'r&m(b))
- some/sum ('s&m)
- Sound: un
- undo/undue ('&n-dü)
- concent<archaic>/consent (k&n-'sent)
- done/dun ('d&n)
- none/nun ('n&n)
- rung/wrung ('r&[ng])
- (ton/tonne)/tun ('t&n)
- son/sun ('s&n)
- won/(one/[1]) ('w&n)
- Sound: ur
- berth/birth ('b&rth)
- colonel/kernel ('k&r-n&l)
- currant/current ('k&r-&nt)
- earn/urn ('&rn)
- fir/fur ('f&r)
- gorilla/(guerilla/guerrilla) (g&-'ri-l&)
- per/purr ('p&r)
- turbine/turban ('t&r-bIn, 't&r-b&n)
- bird/burred ('b&rd)
- heard/herd ('h&rd)
- word/whirred ('w&rd)
- world/whirled/whorled ('w&r(-&)ld)
- serf/surf ('s&rf)
- hurts/Hertz ('h&rts, 'herts)
- Sound: us
- mustard/mustered ('m&s-t&rd)
- Sound: ut
- but/butt ('b&t)
Sound: i [hit]
- Sound: ib
- nibble/nybble ('ni-b&l)
- Sound: i[ch]
- witch/which ('wich)
- Sound: ig
- rigor/rigger ('ri-g&r)
- Sound: ik
- accede/exceed (ak-'sEd, ik-'sEd)
- accept/except (ik-'sept)
- Sound: il
- chilly/(chili/chilli)/Chile ('chi-lE, 'chE-(")lA)
- build/billed ('bild)
- Sound: im
- cymbal/symbol ('sim-b&l)
- him/hymn ('him)
- immanent/imminent ('i-m&-n&nt)
- limb/limn ('lim)
- Sound: in
- in/inn ('in)
- principle/principal ('prin(t)-s(&-)p&l)
- mince/mints ('min(t)s, 'mints)
- prince/prints ('prin(t)s, 'prints)
- Sound: i[ng]
- links/lynx ('li[ng]ks, 'li[ng](k)s)
- ring/wring ('ri[ng])
- sink/(sync/synch) ('si[ng]k)
- ringer/wringer ('ri[ng]-&r)
- Sound: ir
- dear/deer ('dir)
- hear/here ('hir)
- peer/pier ('pir)
- sear/seer/sere ('sir)
- shear/sheer ('shir)
- tear/tier ('tir)
- cereal/serial ('sir-E-&l)
- serious/Sirius ('sir-E-&s)
- Sound: is
- discrete/discreet (dis-'krEt, di-'skrEt)
- dissent/descent (di-'sent)
- Sound: it
- whit/wit ('wit)
- its/it's ('its)
Sound: o [law] or ä [mop]
- Sound: o
- paw/pa ('po)
- profit/prophet ('prä-f&t)
- Sound: od
- odd/awed ('äd)
- sod/sawed ('säd, 'sod)
- Sound: ok
- bloc/block ('bläk)
- balk/Bach ('bok)
- chalk/chock ('chok, 'chäk)
- (calk/caulk)/cock ('kok)
- doc/dock ('däk)
- hawk/hock ('hok, 'häk)
- (loch/lough)/lock ('läk)
- nock/knock ('näk)
- roc/rock ('räk)
- stalk/stock ('stok, 'stäk)
- Sound: ol
- all/awl ('ol)
- altar/alter ('ol-t&r)
- ball/bawl ('bol)
- call/caul ('kol)
- hall/haul ('hol)
- mall/maul ('mol)
- bald/balled/bawled ('bold)
- Sound: on
- awn/on ('än, 'on)
- fawn/faun ('fän)
- fond/fawned ('fänd)
- dawn/don/Dawn/Don ('don, 'dän)
- Sound: or
- aureole/oriole ('or-E-"Ol, 'Or-E-"Ol, 'or-, -E-&l)
- are/ar[R] ('är)
- chord/cord/cored (kord, 'kOrd)
- (sergeant/serjeant)/Sargent ('sär-j&nt)
- war/wore ('wor)
- bard/barred ('bärd)
- ward/warred ('word)
- Sound: orn
- mourn/morn ('morn)
- warn/worn ('worn, 'wOrn)
- Sound: ar
- (marshal/marshall)/martial ('mär-sh&l)
- arc/ark ('ärk)
- hart/heart ('härt)
- Sound: at
- aught/ought ('at)
- caught/cot ('kot, 'kät)
- knot/naught/not ('nät)
- rot/wrought ('rät)
- taught/taut/tot ('tot, 'tät)
- daughter/dotter ('do-t&r, 'dä-t&r)
- Sound: oz
- paws/pause ('poz)
- claws/clause/Claus[Santa] ('kloz)
Sound: u [foot]
- Sound: ud
- wood/would ('wud)
Sound: ü [loot]
- Sound: oo
- blew/blue/bleu ('blü)
- cue/queue/[Q] ('kyü)
- cues/queues/[Q's] ('kyüz)
- dew/do/due ('dü)
- flew/flue/flu ('flü)
- lieu/loo/Lou ('lü)
- knew/gnu/new/[nu] ('nü)
- shoo/shoe ('shü)
- slue/slew/slough (slü)
- threw/(through/thru) ('thrü)
- to/too/(two/[2]) ('tü)
- who/whoo ('hü)
- Sound: ood
- brood/brewed ('brüd)
- crude/crewed (krüd)
- dude/dewed ('düd)
- mood/mooed ('müd)
- rood/rude/rued ('rüd)
- Sound: ool
- dual/duel ('dü-&l, dü(-&)l)
- Sound: oom
- gloom/glume ('glüm)
- toom/tomb ('tüm)
- Sound: oon
- lune/loon ('lün)
- Sount: oop
- droop/drupe ('drüp)
- troop/troupe ('trüp)
- Sound: oot
- chute/shoot ('shüt)
- lute/loot ('lüt)
- suit/soot ('süt)
- Sound: ooz
- bruise/brews ('brüz)
- cruise/crews/cruse ('krüz)
- choose/chews ('chüz)
- ruse/rues ('rüz)
- whose/who's ('hüz)
Notes on words
- Pronunciation symbols are from Merriam-Webster dictionary.
- The list was based on American English spellings.
- Different spellings of identical words are grouped with parentheses.
- Symbols, numbers/letters are in brackets.
- There is some ambiguity over homophones since there are different pronunciations of words.
Notes on inclusion
- A few common nonenglish words are included.
- Contracted words are included.
- A few double-words are included. (A word can sound like two words in sequence)
- Plural nouns, and tensed verbs are included.
- Some well known proper names (first or last) are included, although this allows endless additions.
External links
- Merriam-Webster dictionary (
- 1200 computer generated homophones in alphabetical order (