List of environmental health hazards
There are numerous health hazards that can affect people in their natural environment. Examples of environmental health hazards are :
- allergens
- anthrax
- antibiotic agents in animals destined for human consumption
- antibiotic resistance
- arsenic - a contaminant of fresh water sources (water wells)
- asbestos - carcinogenic
- avian influenza
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
- carcinogens
- cholera
- cosmic rays
- dioxins
- drought
- dysentery
- electromagnetic fields
- epidemics
- e-waste
- explosive material
- floods
- food poisoning
- fungicides
- furans
- haloalkanes
- heavy metals
- herbicides
- hormones in animals destined for human consumption
- landmines
- lead in paint
- lightning
- malaria
- mercury
- molds
- mutagens
- noise pollution
- onchocerciasis (river blindness)
- pandemics
- pathogens
- pesticides
- pollen for allergic people
- polychlorinated biphenyls
- quicksand
- rabies
- radon and other natural sources of radioactivity
- severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
- sick building syndrome
- tobacco smoking
- toxic waste
- ultraviolet light
- vibration
- wildfire
- x-rays