List of delegates to the Maryland Constitutional Convention (1776)
The final session of the revolutionary Annapolis Convention in 1776 served as Maryland's first constitutional convention. They drafted a declaration of rights and a constitution for the state. This List of Delegates reports the men who made up the convention, and the counties or towns they represented. Delegates were:
- John Archer, Harford County
- Richard Barnes, St. Mary's County
- William Bayly, Jr., Frederick County
- Samuel Beall, Frederick County
- Smith Bishop, Worcester County
- Jacob Bond, Harford County
- Walter Bowie, Prince George's County
- Benjamin Brevard, Cecil County
- William Bruff, Queen Anne's County
- Charles Carroll, Barrister, Anne Arundel County
- Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Annapolis
- Peter Chaille, Worcester County
- James Lloyd Chamberlaine, Talbot County
- Jeremiah Townley Chase, Baltimore Town
- Samuel Chase, Anne Arundel County
- Thomas Cockey Deye, Baltimore County
- John Dent, Charles County
- Henry Dickinson, Caroline County
- Joseph Earle, Kent County
- Christopher Edelen, Frederick County
- Pollard Edmondson, Talbot County
- John Ennalls, Dorchester County
- Joseph Ennalls, Dorchester County
- Patrick Ewing, Cecil County
- Ignatius Fenwick, St. Mary's County
- Adam Fischer, Frederick County
- William Fitzhugh, Calvert County
- John Gibson, Talbot County
- Joseph Gilpin, Cecil County
- Robert Goldsborough, Dorchester County
- Charles Grahame, Calvert County
- Benjamin Hall, Prince George's County
- Samuel Handy, Worcester County
- John Hall, Anne Arundel County
- Rezin Hammond, Anne Arundel County
- Robert Townshend Hooe, Charles County
- William Horsey, Somerset County
- Samuel Hughes, Frederick County
- Thomas Johnson, Caroline County
- Jeremiah Jordan, St. Mary's County
- James Kent, Queen Anne's County
- Thomas Sim Lee, Prince George's County
- John Love, Harford County
- Henry Lowes, Somerset County
- Benjamin Mackall IV, Calvert County
- John MacKall, Calvert County
- Luke Marbury, Prince George's County
- Richard Mason, Caroline County
- Josiah E. Mitchell, Worcester County
- James Murray, Dorchester County
- William Paca, Annapolis
- John Parnham, Charles County
- George Plater, St. Mary's County
- Nathaniel Potter, Caroline County
- John Purnell Robins, Worcester County
- William Richardson, Caroline County
- Charles Ridgely, Baltimore County
- Thomas Ringgold, Kent County
- William Ringgold, Kent County
- Henry Schnebeley, Frederick County
- George Scott, Somerset County
- Gustavus Scott, Somerset County
- Thomas Semmens, Charles County
- Peter Shepherd, Baltimore County
- Upton Sheredine, Frederick County
- David Shriver, Frederick County
- David Smith, Cecil County
- John Smith, Baltimore Town
- Thomas Smyth, Kent County
- John Stevenson, Baltimore County
- Osborn Sprigg, Prince George's County
- John Stull, Frederick County
- Matthew Tilghman, Talbot County, Chairman
- Elisha Williams, Frederick County
- Jonathan Willson, Frederick County
- Henry Wilson, Jr., Harford County
- Thomas Sprigg Wootton, Frederick County
- Brice T.B. Worthington, Anne Arundel County
- Solomon Wright, Queen Anne's County
- Turbutt Wright, Queen Anne's County