List of Congressional Gold Medal recipients
Recipient(s) | Date of Approval | Public Law |
George Washington | Mar. 25, 1776 | Continental Congress |
Major General Horatio Gates | Nov. 4, 1777 | Continental Congress |
Major General Anthony Wayne | July 26, 1779 | Continental Congress |
Major Henry Lee | Sep. 24, 1779 | Continental Congress |
Brigadier General Daniel Morgan | Mar. 9, 1781 | Continental Congress |
Major General Nathaniel Greene | Oct. 29, 1781 | Continental Congress |
John Paul Jones | Oct. 16, 1787 | Continental Congress |
Captain Thomas Truxtun | Mar. 29, 1800 | 2 Stat. 87 |
Commodore Edward Preble | Mar. 3, 1805 | 2 Stat. 346-347 |
Captain Isaac Hull, Captain Stephen Decatur, and Captain Jacob Jones | Jan. 29, 1813 | 2 Stat. 830 |
Captain William Bainbridge | Mar. 3, 1813 | 2 Stat. 831 |
Captain Oliver Hazard Perry and Captain Jesse D. Elliott |
Jan. 6, 1814 | 3 Stat. 141 |
Lieutenant William Burrows and Lieutenant Edward McCall | Jan. 6, 1814 | 3 Stat. 141-142 |
Captain James Lawrence | January 11, 1814 | 3 Stat. 142 |
Captain Thomas Macdonough, Captain Robert Henley, and Lieutenant Stephen Cassin | October 20, 1814 | 3 Stat. 245-246 |
Captain Lewis Warrington | October 21, 1814 | 3 Stat. 246 |
Captain Johnson Blakely | November 3, 1814 | 3 Stat. 246-247 |
Major General Jacob Brown | November 3, 1814 | 3 Stat. 247 |
Major General Winfield Scott | November 3, 1814 March 9, 1848 |
3 Stat. 247 9 Stat. 333 |
Brigadier General Eleazar Ripley, Brigadier General James Miller, and Major General Peter Porter | November 3, 1814 | 3 Stat. 247 |
Major General Edmund P. Gaines | November 3, 1814 | 3 Stat. 247 |
Major General Alexander Macomb | November 3, 1814 | 3 Stat. 247 |
Major General Andrew Jackson | February 27, 1815 | 3 Stat. 249 |
Captain Charles Stewart | February 22, 1816 | 3 Stat. 341 |
Captain James Biddle | February 22, 1816 | 3 Stat. 341 |
Major General William Henry Harrison and Governor Isaac Shelby |
April 4, 1818 | 3 Stat. 476 |
Colonel George Croghan | February 13, 1835 | 4 Stat. 792 |
Major General Zachary Taylor | July 16, 1846 March 2, 1847 |
9 Stat. 111 9 Stat. 206 |
Rescuers of the Officers and Crew of the [[U.S. Brig Somers]] | March 3, 1847 | 9 Stat. 208 |
Commander Duncan Ingraham | August 4, 1854 | 10 Stat. 594-595 |
Frederick Rose | May 11, 1858 | 11 Stat. 369 |
Major General Ulysses S. Grant | December 17, 1863 | 13 Stat. 399 |
Cornelius Vanderbilt | January 28, 1864 | 13 Stat. 401 |
Captain Creighton, Captain Low, and Captain Stouffer | July 26, 1866 | 14 Stat. 365-366 |
Cyrus Field | March 2, 1867 | 14 Stat. 574 |
George Peabody | March 16, 1867 | 15 Stat. 20 |
George Robinson | March 1, 1871 | 16 Stat. 704 |
Captain Jared Crandall and Others | February 24, 1873 | 17 Stat. 638 |
John Horn, Jr. | June 20, 1874 April 28, 1904 |
18 Stat. 573 33 Stat. 1684-1685 |
John F. Slater | February 5, 1883 | 22 Stat. 636 |
Joseph Francis | August 27, 1888 | 25 Stat. 1249 |
Chief Engineer George Wallace Melville and Others | September 30, 1890 | 26 Stat. 552-553 |
First Lieutenant Frank Newcomb | May 3, 1900 | 31 Stat. 717 |
First Lieutenant David Jarvis, Second Lieutenant Ellsworth P. Bertholf and Dr. Samuel Call | June 28, 1902 | 32 Stat. 492 |
Wright brothers | March 4, 1909 | 35 Stat. 1627 |
Captain Arthur Henry Rostron | July 6, 1912 | 37 Stat. 639 |
Captain Paul Kreibohm and Others | March 19, 1914 | 38 Stat. 769 |
Domicio da Gama, Romulo Naon, and Eduardo Suarez | March 4, 1915 | 38 Stat. 1228 |
Charles Lindbergh | May 4, 1928 | 45 Stat. 490 |
Lincoln Ellsworth, Roald Amundsen, and Umberto Nobile | May 29, 1928 | 45 Stat. 2026-2027 |
Thomas Edison | May 29, 1928 | 45 Stat. 1012 |
First Successful Trans-Atlantic Flight | February 9, 1929 | 45 Stat. 1158 |
Major Walter Reed and Associates for Yellow Fever Experimentations in Cuba | February 28, 1929 | 45 Stat. 1409-1410 |
Officers and Men of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition | May 23, 1930 | 46 Stat. 379 |
Lincoln Ellsworth | June 16, 1936 | 49 Stat. 2324 |
George Cohan | June 29, 1936 | 49 Stat. 2371 |
Mrs. Richard Aldrich and Anna Bouligny | June 20, 1938 | 52 Stat. 1365 |
Howard Hughes | August 7, 1939 | 53 Stat. 1525 |
Reverend Francis Quinn | August 10, 1939 | 53 Stat. 1533 |
William Sinnott | June 15, 1940 | 54 Stat. 1283 |
Roland Boucher | January 20, 1942 | 56 Stat. 1099-1100 |
George Catlett Marshall, General of the Army, and Fleet Admiral Ernest Joseph King | March 22, 1946 | 60 Stat. 1134-1135 |
John J. Pershing, General of the Armies of the United States | August 7, 1946 | 60 Stat. 1297-1298 |
Brigadier General William Mitchell | August 8, 1946 | 60 Stat. 1319 |
Vice President Alben Barkley | August 12, 1949 | P.L. 81-221, 63 Stat. 599 |
Irving Berlin | July 16, 1954 | P.L. 83-536, 68 Stat. A120 |
Doctor Jonas Salk | August 9, 1955 | P.L. 84-297, 69 Stat. 589 |
Surviving Veterans of the War Between the States | July 18, 1956 | P.L. 84-730, 70 Stat. 577 |
Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover | August 28, 1958 | P.L. 85-826, 72 Stat. 985 |
Doctor Robert Goddard | September 16, 1959 | P.L. 86-277, 73 Stat. 562-563 |
Robert Frost | September 13, 1960 | P.L. 86-747, 74 Stat. 883 |
Doctor Thomas Anthony Dooley III | May 27, 1961 | P.L. 87-42, 75 Stat. 87 |
Bob Hope | June 8, 1962 | P.L. 87-478, 76 Stat. 93 |
Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the House of Representatives | September 26, 1962 | P.L. 87-478, 76 Stat. 605 |
Douglas MacArthur, General of the Army | October 9, 1962 | P.L. 87-760, 76 Stat. 760 |
Walt Disney | May 24, 1968 | P.L. 90-316, 82 Stat. 130-131 |
Sir Winston Churchill | May 7, 1969 | P.L. 91-12, 83 Stat. 8-9 |
Roberto Walker Clemente | May 14, 1973 | P.L. 93-33, 87 Stat. 71 |
Marian Anderson | March 8, 1977 | P.L. 95-9, 91 Stat. 19 |
Lieutenant General Ira Eaker | October 10, 1978 | P.L. 95-438, 92 Stat. 1060 |
Robert Kennedy | November 1, 1978 | P.L. 95-560, 92 Stat. 2142 |
John Wayne | May 26, 1979 | P.L. 96-15, 93 Stat. 32 |
Ben Abruzzo, Maxie Anderson, and Larry Newman | June 13, 1979 | P.L. 96-20, 93 Stat. 45 |
Hubert Humphrey | June 13, 1979 | P.L. 96-91, 93 Stat. 46 |
American Red Cross | December 12, 1979 | P.L. 96-138, 93 Stat. 1063 |
Ambassador Kenneth Taylor | March 6, 1980 | P.L. 96-201, 94 Stat. 79 |
Simon Wiesenthal | March 17, 1980 | P.L. 96-211, 94 Stat. 101 |
Queen Beatrix I of the Netherlands | March 22, 1982 | P.L. 97-158, 96 Stat. 18-19 |
Admiral Hyman George Rickover | June 23, 1982 | P.L. 97-201, 96 Stat. 126-127 |
Fred Waring | August 26, 1982 | P.L. 97-246, 96 Stat. 315-316 |
Joe Louis | August 26, 1982 | P.L. 97-246, 96 Stat. 315-316 |
Louis L'Amour | August 26, 1982 | P.L. 97-246, 96 Stat. 315-316 |
Leo Ryan | November 18, 1983 | P.L. 98-159, 97 Stat. 992 |
Danny Thomas | November 29, 1983 | P.L. 98-172, 97 Stat. 1119-1120 |
Harry Truman | May 8, 1984 | P.L. 98-278, 98 Stat. 173-175 |
Lady Bird Johnson | May 8, 1984 | P.L. 98-278, 98 Stat. 173-175 |
Elie Wiesel | May 8, 1984 | P.L. 98-278, 98 Stat. 173-175 |
Roy Wilkins | May 17, 1984 | P.L. 98-285, 98 Stat. 186 |
George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin | August 9, 1985 | P.L. 99-86, 99 Stat. 288-289 |
Anatoly Shcharansky and Avital Shcharansky | May 13, 1986 | P.L. 99-298, 100 Stat. 432-433 |
Harry Chapin | May 20, 1986 | P.L. 99-311, 100 Stat. 464 |
Aaron Copland | September 23, 1986 | P.L. 99-418, Stat. 952-953 |
Mary Lasker | December 24, 1987 | P.L. 100-210, 101 Stat. 1441 |
Jesse Owens | September 20, 1988 | P.L. 100-437, 102 Stat. 1717 |
Andrew Wyeth | November 9, 1988 | P.L. 100-639, 102 Stat. 3331-3332 |
Laurence Rockefeller | May 17, 1990 | P.L. 101-296, 104 Stat. 197-199 |
General Matthew Ridgeway | November 5, 1990 | P.L. 101-510, 104 Stat. 1720-1721 |
General H. Norman Schwarzkopf | April 23, 1991 | P.L. 102-32; 105 Stat. 175-176 |
General Colin Powell | April 23, 1991 | P.L. 102-33; 105 Stat. 177-178 |
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson | November 2, 1994 | P.L. 103-457, 108 Stat. 4799-4800 |
Ruth Graham and Billy Graham | February 13, 1996 | P.L. 104-111, 110 Stat. 772-773 |
Frank Sinatra | May 14, 1997 | P.L. 105-14, 111 Stat. 32-33 |
Mother Teresa of Calcutta | June 2, 1997 | P.L. 105-16, 111 Stat. 35-36 |
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew | October 6, 1997 | P.L. 105-51, 111 Stat. 117-1171 |
Nelson Mandela | July 29, 1998 | P.L. 105-215, 112 Stat. 895-896 |
Little Rock Nine | October 21, 1998 | P.L. 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681-597 |
Gerald Ford and Betty Ford | October 21, 1998 | P.L. 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681-598 |
Rosa Parks | May 4, 1999 | P.L. 106-26, 113 Stat. 50-51 |
Father Theodore Hesburgh | December 9, 1999 | P.L. 106-153, 113 Stat. 1733-1734 |
Ernest Green | ||
John Cardinal O'Connor | March 3, 2000 | P.L. 106-175, 114 Stat. 20-21 |
Charles Schulz | June 20, 2000 | P.L. 106-225, 114 Stat. 457-458 |
Pope John Paul II | July 27, 2000 | P.L. 106-250, 114 Stat. 622-623 |
Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan | July 27, 2000 | P.L. 106-251, 114 Stat. 624-625 |
Navajo Code Talkers | December 21, 2000 | P.L. 106-554, 114 Stat. 2763 |
General Henry Shelton | January 16, 2002 | P.L. 107-127, 115 Stat. 2405-2406 |
British Prime Minister Tony Blair | July 18, 2003 | P.L. 108-60, 117, Stat. 862-863 |
Jackie Robinson | October 29, 2003 | P.L. 108-101, 117 Stat. 1195-1197 |
Dr. Dorothy Height | December 6, 2003 | P. L. 108-162, 117 Stat. 2017 |