List of Baptist sub-denominations
List of Baptist sub-denominations - a list of subdivisions of Baptists, with their various Baptist associations, conferences, conventions, fellowships, groups, and unions around the world
Contents |
By location
(listed by the original or dominant geographical location of the body, though the group may extend beyond these boundaries)Africa
- Central Africa
- Association of Baptist Churches of Chad
- Baptist Churches of the Central African Republic (Églises Baptistes de la RCA)
- Baptist Community of Western Zaire (Communauté Baptiste du Zaire Ouest)
- Baptist Community of the Zaire River (Communauté Baptiste du Flueve Zaire)
- Southern Africa
- African Baptist Assembly of Malawi, Inc.
- African United Baptist Church
- Baptist Bible Church of Madagascar (Fiangonana Batista Biblika eto Madagasikara)
- Baptist Convention of Angola (Convençao Baptista de Angola)
- Baptist Convention of Zambia
- Baptist Evangelical Association of Madagascar (Association des Eglises Evangéliques Baptistes de Madagascar)
- Baptist Fellowship of Zambia
- Baptist Union of Southern Africa
- Baptist Union of Zambia
Asia and Oceania
- East Asia
- Baptist Convention of Hong Kong
- Gospel Baptist Association (Fukuin Baputesuto Kyôdan)
- Japan Baptist Association (Nippon Baputesuto Rengô )
- Japan Baptist Convention (Nippon Baputesuto Renmei)
- Oceania
- Southeast Asia
Europe, Eurasia, & the British Isles
- British Isles
- Europe & Eurasia
- Albanian Baptist Union
- Association of Independent Evangelical Baptists of Spain
- Baptist Union of Austria
- Baptist Church in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Baptist Union of Bulgaria
- Baptist Union of Croatia
- Baptist Union in the Czech Republic
- Baptist Union of Denmark
- Baptist Union of Hungary
- Baptist Union of Italy
- Baptist Union of Kazakhstan
- Baptist Union of Poland
- Baptist Union of Romania
- Baptist Union of Sweden
- Brotherhood of Baptist Churches (Broederschap van Baptistengemeenten)
- Brotherhood of Independent Baptist Churches and Ministries of Ukraine
- Brotherly Union of Baptists in Slovakia
- Convention of Baptists in Portugal
- Convention of the Hungarian Baptist Churches of Romania
- Evangelical Baptist Church of Georgia
- Federation of Evangelical Baptist Churches of France
- Finnish Baptist Union
- Independent Baptist Federation (Federación de Iglesias Evangélicas Independientes de España)
- Independent Baptist Fellowship (Comuniôn Bautista Independiente)
- Norwegian Baptist Union
- Swedish-Speaking Baptist Union of Finland
- Swiss Baptist Union
- The All-Ukrainian Union of Associations of Evangelical Christians-Baptists
- The Baptist Union of Lithuania
- The Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Azerbaijan
- The Union of Evangelical Christian Baptist Churches in the Republic of Belarus
- Union of Baptists in Belgium
- Union of the Baptist Christians in the Republic of Macedonia
- Union of Baptist Churches in Serbia
- Union of Baptist Churches in the Netherlands
- Union of Baptist Churches in Latvia
- Union of Baptist Churches in the Republic of Slovenia
- Union of Christian Evangelical Baptist Churches of Moldova
- Union of Evangelical Baptists of Spain
- Union of Evangelical Christian and Baptist Churches of Estonia
- Union of Evangelical Christian Baptist Churches of Armenia
- Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Kyrgyzstan
- Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Russia
- Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Yugoslavia
- Union of Evangelical Free Church Congregations in Germany
- Middle East
- Regional bodies
The Caribbean
- Cuba
- Baptist Convention of Eastern Cuba (Convención Bautista de Cuba Oriental)
- Baptist Convention of Western Cuba (Convención Bautista de Cuba Occidental)
- Other
North America
- Canada
- Association of Regular Baptist Churches
- Baptist General Conference of Canada
- Canadian Baptist Ministries
- Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec
- Baptist Union of Western Canada
- Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches
- Union of French Baptist Churches of Canada (Union D'Églises Baptistes Françaises au Canada)
- Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists
- Covenanted Baptist Church of Canada
- Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada
- Landmark Missionary Baptist Association of Quebec (L'Association des Églises Missionnaire Baptiste Landmark du Québec)
- Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Canada
- Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Convention of Canada
- Union of Slavic Churches of Evangelical Christians and Slavic Baptists of Canada
- Mexico
- National Baptist Convention of Mexico (Convención Nacional Bautista de Mexico)
- United States
- Alliance of Baptists
- American Baptist Association
- American Baptist Churches
- Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America
- Baptist Bible Fellowship International
- Baptist General Conference
- Baptist Missionary Association of America
- Central Baptist Association
- Christian Unity Baptist Association
- Colored Primitive Baptists
- Conservative Baptist Association of America
- Continental Baptist Churches
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
- Evangelical Free Baptist Church
- Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship
- Fundamental Baptist Fellowship Association
- Fundamental Baptist Fellowship of America
- General Association of Baptists
- General Association of General Baptists
- General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
- General Conference of the Evangelical Baptist Church, Inc.
- General Six-Principle Baptists
- Global Independent Baptist Fellowship
- Independent Baptist Church of America
- Independent Baptist Fellowship International
- Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America
- Institutional Missionary Baptist Conference of America
- Interstate & Foreign Landmark Missionary Baptist Association
- Landmark Baptist Church
- Liberty Baptist Fellowship
- National Association of Free Will Baptists
- National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
- National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
- National Baptist Evangelical Life and Soul Saving Assembly of the U.S.A.
- National Missionary Baptist Convention of America
- National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A.
- New Testament Association of Independent Baptist Churches
- North American Baptist Conference
- Old Regular Baptists
- Old Time Missionary Baptists
- Original Free Will Baptist Convention
- Primitive Baptists
- Progressive National Baptist Convention
- Reformed Baptists
- Regular Baptists
- Separate Baptists
- Separate Baptists in Christ
- Seventh Day Baptist General Conference
- Southern Baptist Convention
- Southwide Baptist Fellowship
- Sovereign Grace Baptists
- Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists
- United American Free Will Baptist Church
- United American Free Will Baptist Conference
- United Baptists
- Unregistered Baptist Fellowship
- World Baptist Fellowship
- U. S. - Regional bodies
- Association of Fundamental Baptist Churches of Northern California
- Association of Independent Baptist Churches of Illinois
- Dakota Baptist Association
- Independent Fundamental Baptist Association of Michigan
- Inter-Mountain Baptist Fellowship
- Minnesota Baptist Association
- Mountain States Baptist Fellowship
- New England Evangelical Baptist Fellowship
- Wisconsin Fellowship of Baptist Churches
South & Central America
- Central America
- Baptist Association of El Salvador (Asociacíon Bautista de El Salvador)
- Baptist Convention of Costa Rica (Convención Bautista de Costa Rica)
- Baptist Convention of Nicaragua (Convención Bautista de Nicaragua)
- Baptist Convention of Panama (Convención Bautista de Panama)
- National Union of Baptist Churches (Union Nacional de Iglesias Bautistas de Costa Rica)
- South America
- Brazil
- Biblical Baptist Convention (Convenção Batista Bíblica, modern fundamentalist)
- Brazilian Baptist Convention (Convenção Batista Brasileira, mainstream)
- Independent Baptist Convention (Convenção Batista Independente, of Swedish origin)
- National Baptist Convention (Convenção Batista Nacional, charismatic)
- Peace Baptist Churches (Igrejas Batistas da Paz, localists)
- Regular Baptist Convention (Convenção Batista Regular, fundamentalist)
- Other
- Baptist Cooperative Convention of Guyana
- Bolivian Baptist Union (Unión Bautista Boliviana)
- Evangelical Baptist Convention of Chile (Convención Evangélica Bautista de Chile)
- Evangelical Baptist Convention of Paraguay (Convención Evangélica Bautista del Paraguay)
- Evangelical Baptist Convention of Uruguay (Convención Evangélica Bautista del Uruguay)
- Light and Truth Evangelical Assembly - Reformed Baptist - (Asamblea Evangélica Luz y Verdad)
- Brazil
By Historical and Doctrinal Relationships
(listed by historical connection to the two original doctrinal variations of Baptists, though the group may have modified its doctrinal stance)Free and General Baptists
- General Association of General Baptists
- General Conference of the Evangelical Baptist Church, Inc.
- General Six-Principle Baptists
- National Association of Free Will Baptists
- Old Baptist Union
- Original Free Will Baptist Convention
- Separate Baptists in Christ
- United American Free Will Baptist Church
- United American Free Will Baptist Conference
Strict and Particular Baptists
- American Baptist Association
- American Baptist Churches
- Association of Grace Baptist Churches
- Association of Independent Evangelical Baptists of Spain
- Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America
- Association of Regular Baptist Churches
- Baptist Bible Fellowship International
- Baptist General Conference
- Baptist Missionary Association of America
- Baptist Union of Great Britain
- Central Baptist Association
- Continental Baptist Churches
- Conference On Evangelizing Black America
- Covenanted Baptist Church of Canada
- Grace Baptist Assembly
- Norwegian Baptist Union
- National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A.
- New England Evangelical Baptist Fellowship
- New Testament Association of Independent Baptist Churches
- North American Baptist Conference
- Old Regular Baptists
- Old Time Missionary Baptists
- Seventh Day Baptist General Conference
- Southern Baptist Convention
- Sovereign Grace Baptists
- Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists
- Strict Baptists
- World Baptist Fellowship
External links
- Baptists - (