Lilies of the Field
Lilies of the Field is a 1963 film which tells the story of an African-American drifter who encounters a group of nuns who feel he has been sent to them, by God, to help them build a new church. It stars Sidney Poitier, Lilia Skala, Lisa Mann, Isa Crino, Francesca Jarvis, Pamela Branch, Stanley Adams and Dan Frazer.
The movie was adapted by James Poe from the novel by William E. Barrett. It was produced and directed by Ralph Nelson.
It won the Academy Award for Best Actor (Sidney Poitier) and was nominated for Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Lilia Skala), Best Cinematography, Black-and-White, Best Picture and Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium.
Poitier was the first African-American actor to win a Best Actor Oscar for his role in this film.