Libertatis Æquilibritas, which is Latin for "the Equilibrium of Liberty", is a symbol used by some adherents of anarcho-capitalism. It is a combination of the circle-A, the yin/yang symbol, and the dollar sign. The circle-A represents freedom from a governing state; the yin/yang represents the perceived balance of a free market; the dollar sign represents capitalism and private property. The symbol was invented by Per Bylund [1] (http://www.anti-state.com/bylund/bylund1.html) and gained a significant following among anarcho-capitalists. It serves to distinguish anarcho-capitalists from the rest of the anarchist movement, which largely opposes capitalism.
Libertatis Æquilibritas would not generally be classed as a symbol of anarchism as such. Most anarchists are decidedly anti-capitalist, and do not accept anarcho-capitalism as a form of anarchism. Some anarchists oppose private property altogether; virtually all oppose private ownership of the means of production; furthermore they reject the anarcho-capitalist view of free markets. [2] (http://www.infoshop.org/faq/append1.html)