Lexx is a science fiction TV series that follows the adventures of a group of mis-matched individuals aboard the Lexx, "the most powerful destructive force in the two universes" from which the show takes its name. The LEXX is a living spaceship, shaped like a dragonfly without wings. It is capable of destroying planets with ease. The Lexx is on the trail of His Divine Shadow, and vice versa.
The series is a Canadian/German co-production, with some additional funding from Britain's Channel 5. Because it was not made for a US network it includes a lot more sexual innuendo (and, at least in the early episodes, nudity) than US audiences are generally accustomed to. As of 2002, the show was intermittently shown on the SciFi Channel.
The crew of the LEXX includes:
- Security guard 4th class Stanley H. Tweedle, agent of a failed rebellion and, by accident, captain of the LEXX.
- Zev (later Xev) Bellringer of planet B3K, a half cluster lizard, renegade love slave.
- 790, a robot head that received the love slave programming meant for Zev, first loving Zev, then in later series, Kai.
- Kai, last of the Brunnen G, an emotionless, undead Divine Assassin.
- The LEXX itself, which Stanley regularly interacts with.
The crew of the Lexx is motivated largely by fear, lust and hunger — factors which gradually came to dominate the storylines more and more, eventually making Lexx famous for its sexual themes and often bizarre storylines. Each episode in the later series takes the crew through another stage of their journey through a chaotic, hostile universe without any legitimate authority while exploring the relationships between the protagonists and their individual histories.
There were four series of Lexx. The first consisted of 4 two-hour TV movies (sometimes screened as eight one-hour episodes), alternatively titled Tales from a Parallel Universe. However, some episode guides do not list the 2-hour movies as a series but confusingly list the subsequent seasons as the first through third. See Thodin.
The second series consisted of 20 hour-long episodes with an overall story arc concerning a tyrant called Mantrid who wants to destroy the universe and the Lexx.
The third series comprises 13 episodes in which the Lexx is trapped in orbit around the warring Planet Fire and Planet Water, and the crew encounter an enigmatic and cheerfully evil being known as Prince, who may be the Devil.
In the fourth and final series of 24 episodes, Lexx arrives at Earth in the year 2000, only to find that Prince (now named Isambard Prince, and somehow head of the ATF) and several other old adversaries have arrived there too. Between them, Prince and the Lexx manage to demolish large chunks of the Earth before the climactic final episode.
Lexx was co-produced by Salter Street Films, later absorbed by Alliance Atlantis.
External links
- Lexx website (http://www.scifi.com/lexx/) hosted by SciFi Channel
- Lexx (http://dmoz.org/Arts/Television/Programs/Science_Fiction_and_Fantasy/L/Lexx/) at DMOZ
- Lexx at SadGeezer.com (http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/Sections+index-req-viewarticle-artid-133-page-1.html)
- Lexx hanging with the dead guy (http://www.thefrey.com/)
- The Lexx museum (http://www.lexxmuseum.com/)
- Template:Tvtome showde:Lexx - The Dark Zone