Latveria is a fictional nation in the Marvel Universe. It is located between the real-life nations of Hungary, Serbia, and Romania. It also borders the fictional Symkaria, home of Silver Sable. Surrounded by the Carpathians to the north and the Malhela range to the south, Latveria has remained protected from the strife of neighbouring countries.
Its current reigning monarch, Victor von Doom, has kept the nation protected from international affairs and economic downturns. Though he has been dethroned a number of times, von Doom has inevitably managed to return to the throne of his country and restore the nation to economic prosperity within a matter of months. The population consists of mixed European stock and gypsies, in whose welfare von Doom takes a particular interest. Latveria boasts freedom from the racism that the Roma are greeted with in other countries. Due to technological advancements far beyond anything in any other nation Latveria has managed to remain unfoulled by industrial pollutants. Because of Doom's many weapons and his mere presence in Latveria the country is considered a world superpower. Despite (or perhaps because of) its complete lack of a native super-hero populace, Latveria boasts an unparalleled rate of safety. The nation is policed by robot sentinels designed and manufactured by Doctor Doom himself.
The capital city of Latveria is Doomstadt, located just north of the Kline River. The administrative center is Castle Doom.
- Population: 500,000 (This is an approximation since the government of Latveria has not allowed an outside census in over 20 years)
- Type of Government: Dictatorship (Victor von Doom prefers to call this an "enforced Monarchy")
- Languages: German, Hungarian, Latverian (local dialect, derivative of Hungarian), Romany
- Ethnic Groups: Mixed European stock, Gypsy
- Major Business Centers: None
- Currency: Latverian Franc
- Public Holidays: Doom's Day, Christmas, New Year (Note that Doom's Day is an eclectic holiday, celebrated whenever Doom declares it. It is different from Doomsday)
- Airports: The only airport for the country, Doomsport lies on the southern outskirts of Doomstadt. It maintains two runways and a modern terminal, but flights into and out of Doomsport are quite limited.
External links
- Latveria web site (
- MAP: Marvel Atlas Project (
- Article on History of Latveria (