Kyle Broflovski
Kyle Broflovski, voiced by Matt Stone, is a fictional character on the animated series South Park. Matt Stone has said that Kyle was loosely based on himself when he was younger. His most notable catch phrase is to exclaim "You Bastard(s)!" following Stan's catch phrase "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!"
He wears a bright green ear-flapped cap (or ushanka), a bright orange jacket with black-edged pockets with a dark green collar, dark green pants and lime-green mittens. He is rarely shown without his cap, but without it he has a bright red-to-auburn afro.
He and Stan Marsh alternate as leader of their group/voice of reason. Kyle is quite witty. Unlike his best friend Stan, however, he tends to be quite cautious and is less likely to want to get involved in uncertain situations. He sometimes exhibits better moral standards than the others. Kyle is a constant target of his friend Eric Cartman's anti-Semitic abuse and is frequently singled-out and taunted by Cartman. However, Kyle seems to be unafraid of physical confrontation and has attacked Cartman several times. As the show's writers seem to be careful to treat Cartman's attitude with contempt, it seems reasonable to assume that Kyle will always be able to beat him up.
His mother, Sheila, is very overprotective: she instigates a war between the USA and Canada in the feature-length movie South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut because of (Canadian natives) Terrance and Phillip's extremely scatological R-rated movie. Mrs. Broflovski is very prone to "making a mountain out of a molehill" whenever something threatens her son. Even so, in the Cherokee Hair Tampons episode she turns to holistic and nature medicine when Kyle almost dies of kidney failure due to diabetes. Stan is very upset about the possible death of Kyle (much more than about the deaths of Kenny), and ultimately saves him by tricking Cartman into donating one of Cartman's kidneys to Kyle.
Kyle's father Gerald is a lawyer, but Kyle reiterates that despite his father's profession, they are not as wealthy as Token Williams, whose father is also a lawyer. Kyle has an adopted younger brother, Ike whose birth parents are Canadian and a cousin (also named Kyle) who is a Woody Allen-like Jewish stereotype.
Kyle is evidently the only Jewish kid in town (of Eastern European ancestry). Kyle's last name has been alternately given as Broslovski, Broflovski, and Brovlofski in the series, although the characters say "Broflovski". In the Spontaneous Combustion episode (#302) there is a shot of Kyle's father Gerald's law office - on the façade it says 'Brovlofski'. In the Sexual Harassment Panda episode his name is shown as 'Broflofski'.
In the Emmy-nominated season three episode, "Chinpokomon," Kyle is the only kid in South Park who tries to resist the Pokemon-based fad, Chinpokomon.
Kyle nearly dies of a hemorrhoid when Cartman gets his own theme park in "Cartmanland."
In the season eight, Kyle was the center on one episode- "The Passion of the Jew"- which parodied the controversy surrounding The Passion of the Christ. In the episode, he sees The Passion because of Cartman's continuing use of it as an excuse to pick on Kyle more than usual. Kyle was also featured prominently in the episodes "Cartman's Incredible Gift" and "Woodland Critter Christmas." In the former, he attempts to convince the local police that Cartman's "pyschic powers" and entirely false; at the end of the episode, it is implied that Kyle has real psychic powers. In "Woodland Critter Christmas," the Satanic woodland animals attempt to use Kyle as birth vessel for The Antichrist because he's a "heathen" and is not baptized because he's Jewish. Stan attempts to stop this by teaching young mountain lions to give abortions, but Christmas is eventually saved by Santa Claus, who shoots all of the critters with a shotgun. However, the enitre "Critter" episode is really just a story written by Eric Cartman, which ends with Kyle dying of AIDS.
In the October 27, 2004 election-based episode, "Douche and Turd," Kyle leads the campaign for Giant Douche to be elected the new school mascot at South Park Elementary after PETA leads a campaign against Mooey, the cow.
In the March 9, 2005 episode, Kyle wanted to play basketball for the all-state team, but couldn't because the coach said he wasn't built for the game because he's Jewish, so he got a "negro-plasty," to make him black & tall. However, it didn't work out since the surgery was purely Broslofski he:קייל ברוסלובסקי pl:Kyle Broflovski ro:Kyle Broslofski ru:Брословски, Кайл