Koto Ryu
Koto Ryu is a school of koppojutsu (bone striking, or bone breaking). It is a martial art.
According to Bujinkan sources, the art was brought to Japan from Korea by Chan Buso in the 16th century, but it wasn't until two generations later that it formally became became Koto Ryu Koppojutsu. Sakagami Taro Kunishige is claimed to be the man responsible for organizing it.
Formal techniques
The densho (scrolls) are arranged in a particular order, and each waza (technique), kata (forms), etc. are supposed to be learned in the same order, mastering one before going on to the next one.
- Koppojutsu
- Kurai Dori (Postures)
- Shoden Gata (Beginning forms)
- Chuden Gata (Intermediate forms)
- Okuden Gata (Advanced forms)
- Hekito Gata (Unarmed defence against sword)
- Kaiden Gata (Master forms)