Kondopoga is a town in Karelia, Russia. It is situated on the coast of the Kondopozhskaya gulf of Onego lake, near the mouth of the Suna river. A railroad station on the Moscow-Murmansk railroad. 54 km from the Petrozavodsk. About 36,700 inhabitants (2001). Pulp and paper mills, building materials production, medical colledge.
One of the most beautiful monuments of the Russian wooden architecture is situated in Kondopoga: the Dormition Church (Успенская церковь) (see picture). It was built in 1774 and was repaired in 1927 and 1950th. The central column of this church is crowned by a hipped roof (42m in total height), the column is based on a central rectangular framework, with adjacent frameworks of a refectory and an altar. The altar framework is covered by a traditional wooden roof, called barrel roof.ru:Кондопога