King Mbaye Badiane I
His Majesty, King Mbaye Badiane I of Saloum, Senegal, was enthroned as the "OMaad Saloum" (also called Bour Saloum) in 1990 at the royal seat of Kahone. His name before had been El Hadji Mbaye Badiane. His predecessor was King Fodé Ngouye Diouf who had reigned for 25 years, with more than 100 kings of Saloum before him.
King Mbaye Badiane's Djaaraf (prime minister) is Fodé Yacinthe Ndour since 1998; his Farba is El Hadji Malick Sarr; his Fara-Djung-Djung is Malik Sené; his Bassic is Macoumba Touré. These and others form his cabinet.