Kalambo Falls
Kalambo Falls is a 772ft (235m) single drop waterfall on the border of Zambia and Tanzania, Africa at the southeast end of Lake Tanganyika. The falls are the second-highest in Africa.
Archaeologically, Kalambo Falls is one of the most important sites in Africa. It has produced a sequence of past human activity stretching over more than two hundred and fifty thousand years. It was first excavated in 1953 by John Desmond Clark who recognised archaeological activity around a small basin lake behind the falls.
Late Acheulian stone tools, hearths and well preserved organic objects were found there including a wooden club and digging sticks and evidence of fruit consumption.
This was superseded by the Sangoan and then Lupemban industries related to those found in the Congo. Around 10,000 years ago it was occupied by the Magosian culture which in turn gave way to Wilton activity. Finally, around the fourth century AD, a more industrialised Bantu people began to farm and occupy the area.