In the fictional universe of The Simpsons, KBBL is the call sign used for radio and television stations that broadcast from Springfield. All three are owned by the fictional KBBL Broadcasting Inc.
KBBL-FM's frequency is 102.5 FM, and its morning show is hosted by Bill and Marty.
Its co-owned AM sister station KBBL at 580 AM is a conservative talk radio station and its morning show is hosted by Birch Barlow (a Rush Limbaugh parody).
KBBL-TV or KBBL-DT (in recent episodes) (Channel 6) is the fictional television station in Springfield, the home of television personalities Kent Brockman and Krusty the Clown. Its slogan is "We're Channel 6, Just Catch Us Now!" (parody of NBC's 1982-1983 promotional slogan "(We're NBC) Just Watch Us Now"). Channel 6 is believed to be the local FOX affiliate.
See also: List of fictional radio stations, List of fictional television stations.
In the real world, the callsign KBBL is allocated to a low-power TV station in Arkansas. [1] (http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/tvq?&call=kbbl)
KBBL may also mean Kwaliteit Bewakings Bureau voor Levensmiddelen, a Netherlands health company.