Justice De Thézier (born April 20, 1975) is a Canadian techno-progressive activist and postcyberpunk artist.
De Thézier founded the Quebec Transhumanist Association, the first nonprofit organization to promote transhumanism in Quebec.
Primarily concerned with creating awareness of community perspectives on the right to human enhancement, De Thézier seeks to promote a technorealist form of democratic transhumanism through discussion, education, and art.
- "What people really want to know is whether human enhancement is only going to benefit the Donald Trumps of the world [the rich and powerful]. This legitimate concern is the reason why progressives need to understand and explain the benefits of a transparent government not only funding the research and development of enhancement technologies but also guaranteeing all citizens safe, universal and voluntary access to them through a modernized health care system. Rather than banning these technologies for fear that they might increase social inequalities, they should be seen as tools for the poor and disenfranchised to gain not only better health but social mobility."
External Links
- Cyborg Democracy Blogger: Justice De Thézier (http://cyborgdemocracy.net/Justice.html)
- Qu'est ce que le transhumanisme… québécois? (http://transhumanism.org/index.php/WTA/more/496/) An introduction to Quebecer transhumanism in both French and English
- A guide to hosting your own transhumanist arts center (http://www.transhumanist.biz/community.htm)
News articles
- Montreal Mirror: Techno-Utopia: Cyborgs in the city (http://www.montrealmirror.com/ARCHIVES/2004/070104/news3.html)
- Montreal Mirror: Transhumanist technicalities (http://www.montrealmirror.com/ARCHIVES/2004/070804/letters.html) De Thézier's letter to the editor
- Justice De Thézier's critical analysis of his experience with the Montreal Mirror (http://transhumanism.org/index.php/WTA/more/677)
- Le Devoir: Un spectre hante notre siècle: le transhumanisme (http://www.agora.crosemont.qc.ca/dphilo/articles/articles04et05/spectre.pdf) (French)
- Voir Montréal: Les transhumanistes et les néo-luddites: Guerre philosophale (http://www.voir.ca/actualite/actualite.aspx?iIDArticle=32418) (French)
- Une analyse critique par De Thézier de son expérience avec le journal VOIR (http://transhumanism.org/index.php/WTA/more/676/) (French)
- BAHU: L'Homme de Demain: La mouvance transhumaniste (http://transhumanism.org/index.php/WTA/more/557/) (French)
- Métro: Des progrès technologiques: Comment améliorer la condition humaine (http://transhumanism.org/index.php/WTA/more/581/) (French)
TV appearances
- La Revanche des NerdZ: Pour le transhumanisme (http://www.ztele.com/grille/episode.jsp?broadcastId=257506) (French)fr:Justice De Thézier