Jetsons: The Movie
Jetsons: The Movie (1990) is an animated film based on the cartoon series The Jetsons, where George Jetson becomes vice president of Spacely Sprockets and oversees the work at Spacely's Orbiting Ore Asteroid. It was directed by Iwao Takamoto, produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, and released to theaters by Universal Pictures.
The film is often both criticised and praised for its messages about protecting the environment, and observing ethical practices when doing business in developing countries.
The film should also be noted for its early use of computer generated imagery, though it was still beaten by Disney's The Great Mouse Detective (1986). The animation greatly follows the cartoon series, though it added shadows on the sides of charactor's faces which, though not very realistic, gives them a sense of three-dimentionality.
The film features roughly the same voice cast as the cartoon series except for Judy and Elroy Jetson, whose voices were taken over by Tiffany and Patric Zimmerman respectively. George O'Hanlon, the voice of George Jetson, and Mel Blanc, the voice of Mr. Spacely, died during production of the film and Jeff Bergman did the voice for both characters in a handful of scenes. The film was dedicated to the memory of both O'Hanlon and Blanc.