James Gunn
There is more than one person with the name James Gunn. This page is intended to help you find the one you seek.
- James Gunn (senator) (1753-1801) US Senator from Georgia
- James Gunn (congressman) (1843-1911) US Congressman from Idaho
- Sir James Gunn (painter) (1893-1965) UK Portrait painter
- James Gunn (educator) (1867-1927) American industrial engineer and educator
- James Gunn (author) (born 1923) American science fiction author
- James E. Gunn (born 1938) American Astronomer
- James Gunn (film maker) (born ?) American film maker and cartoonist
- Sir James Gunn (explorer) of Scotland, explorer, member of Henry Sinclair's survey expidition in the 14th Century.