James Francis Hurley

Chateau Wood, Ypres, 1917 by Frank Hurley
James Francis "Frank" Hurley (1885 - 1962) was an official photographer with the Australian Imperial Force during World War I.
Hurley travelled on a number of expedititions to the Antarctic including Douglas Mawson's 1911 expedition. He was a member of Ernest Shackleton's Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition that set out in 1914 and was marooned until August 1916. In 1917, Hurley joined the AIF as an honorary captain and captured many stunning battlefield scenes during the Third Battle of Ypres. In keeping with his adventurous spirit, he took considerable risks to photograph his subjects. His period with the AIF ended in March 1918. Hurley also served as a war photographer during World War II.
External links
- Guide to the papers of Frank Hurley (http://nla.gov.au/nla.ms-ms883) held by the National LIbrary of Australia (diaries in series 1 have been digitised)
- Frank Hurley negative collection (http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-an11546686) digitised and held by the National Library of Australiade:James Francis Hurley