Isfara is a city in Tajikistan. It is in the Soghd Region in northern Tajikistan. It has a population of around 10,000.
External link
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Isfara is one of the oldest ancient towns in Central Asia, its first name was Asbara. The town was mentioned in the book of Tabary History X century. In the XI-XII centuries, its was developed in the field of economy. Babur (1482-1580) named Isfara a main town of the region. In the XVI century there had been developed the buildings of large houses (mosques, medresehs). In the XVII century Isfara was under the power of Kokands Kingdom.
Isfara is situated near the border junction of three independent states Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, at a height of 863m above sea level. Its territory is The population is more that 180.000 people of 40 nationalities. About 20 industrial companies of the town produce electric products, chemical and metallurgical products, construction materials, food stuffs and others.
Isfara also famous with its apricot gardens all over the country and abroad.
Isfara\Ibrahim Rustamov