This page describes the irregularities in the auxiliary language Interlingua.
- If c is succeeded by e, i or y, it is pronounced as s or ts (instead of k).
- "ch" is pronounced as in "echo" or "chrome".
- "rh" is pronounced as r.
- "sh" is pronounced as in English.
- "th" is pronounced as t.
- "ph" is pronounced as f.
- If i is unstressed before a vowel, it is pronounced like in "onion" or "phobia" (instead of like in "machine").
- If "ti" is unstressed before a vowel and not preceded by s, it is pronounced like "tsy" in "gets you", "sy" in "pass you" or "ty" in "let you" (instead of as "ti").
- If u is unstressed before a vowel, it is pronounced like in "persuade" or "superfluous" (instead of like in "plural").
- If y is unstressed before a vowel, it is pronounced like in "yes" (instead of like in "machine").
- There exist unassimilated guest words which retain their original pronunciation and spelling minus all redundant diacritical signs.
- The sequence "de le" is replaced by "del".
- The sequence "a le" is replaced by "al".
- If noun ends with a consonant, it takes plural in -es (instead of -s).
- If noun ends with c, it takes plural in -hes (instead of -s or -es).
- Not all adverbs are derived from adjectives.
- If adjective ends with -c, adverb derived from it takes -amente (instead of -mente).
- If verb ends with -ir, present particle replaces it with -iente (instead of -inte).
- If verb ends with -er, past particle replaces it with -ite (instead of -ete).
- 10 is "dece" (instead of "unanta" as derived from "un").
- 20 is "vinti" (instead of "duanta" or "danta" as derived from "duo").
- 30 is "trenta" (instead of "tresanta" as derived from "tres").
- 40 is "quaranta" (instead of "quatranta" as derived from "quatro").
- 1012=102*6 is "billion" (instead of "dillion" as derived from "duple").
- 1015=102*6+3 is "billiardo" (instead of "dilliardo" as derived from "duple").
- 1024=104*6 is "quatrillion" (instead of "quadrillion" as derived from "quadruple").
- 1027=104*6+3 is "quatrilliardo" (instead of "quadrilliardo" as derived from "quadruple").
- A power of 1,000 above 1,000 has "de" between it and the counted objects.
- if s is between vowels, pronounced like in "these" (instead of like in "stay")
- if x is between vowels, pronounced like in "exact" (instead of like in "fox")
- "es" as present tense of "esser" (instead of "esse")
- "son" as plural present tense of "esser" (instead of "esse")
- "era" as past tense of "esser" (instead of "esseva")
- "sia" as subjunctive of "esser" (instead of "esse")
- "ha" as present tense of "haber" (instead of "habe")
- "va" as present tense of "vader" (instead of "vade")
- "(le) minor" instead of "(le) plus parve"
- "(le) major" instead of "(le) plus magne"
- "(le) melior" instead of "(le) plus bon"
- "(le) pejor" instead of "(le) plus mal"
- "minime" instead of "le plus parve" or "le minor"
- "maxime" instead of "le plus magne" or "le major"
- "optime" instead of "le plus bon" or "le melior"
- "pessime" instead of "le plus mal" or "le pejor"
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