International School of Geneva
The International School of Geneva is an international school in Geneva, Switzerland. Its French name is L'Ecole Internationale de Genève or Ecolint for short. It's a biligual school, teaching in French or English. The school has three campuses:
- La Grande Boissière is the oldest and largest of the three. Primary School (starting from age three) has 650 students, and goes until grade 4. The Middle School has 450 students, and is from grades 5 to 8. The Secondary School has 650 students, beginning with 9th grade and going to grade 12 or 13. All three stages offer bilingual programs.
- La Chataigneraie is located in the Vaud countryside, and overlooks the Alps and Lake Léman. It has a primary and a secondary school, and has 1420 students.
- Pregny-Rigot is a school from pre-school, kindergarten to grades 1-6. Its campus is located by the United Nations building. It has a student population of 270.
The high school offers the International Baccalaureate diploma. Ecolint is considered the first international school.
From 1920 to 1921 the League of Nations and the International Labor Office, established their headquarters in Geneva. In 1924 the International School of Geneva was founded by a group of the first two international organisations in conjunction with Adolphe Ferrière and Elisabeth Rotten. Ferrière housed the first class in his family's chalet. He was also technical adviser to the school from 1924 to 1926. Other people principally involved in the creation of the School were Arthur Sweetser and Dr. Ludwig Rajchman. They were supported by William Rappard, Rector of the University of Geneva and Sir Arthur Salter, a senior official of the League of Nations.