Infosecpedia is an open content, online encyclopedia and handbook project inspired by Wikipedia, but with more specialized objectives dealing with information security.
Infosecpedia's stated mission is to collaboratively create an encyclopedia and handbook that contains authoritative information about information security, that will be relevant to the needs of security professionals and practitioners, information technologists, and IT management, and to do so in the most unbiased, unencumbered, non-prescriptive way possible. A random sample of topics covered includes biometrics, data classification, confidentiality, PGP, the CIA triad, and formal security models. There are 220 articles as of December 10 2004.
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- 1998 - domain acquired
- 1998 - 2001 - various collaborative projects attempted
- August 26, 2003 - MediaWiki software installed on test server, article development started
- August 27, 2003 - Infosecpedia goes online as InfoSecWiki, licensed under GFDL
- February 23, 2004 - Infosecpedia changes its license to the Creative Commons Attribution License, most articles transferred with approval of authors, other articles rewritten
- November, 2004 - Infosecpedia reaches and passes 200 articles
Infosecpedia was founded and is run by Christopher Brown.
License and software
The content of Infosecpedia is released under the Creative Commons Attribution License and run with the MediaWiki wiki software.
Infosecpedia is available via an InterWiki link. For example the text [[Infosecpedia:Password]] turns into Infosecpedia:Password.