In Search of...
In Search of ... was a TV documentary series produced from 1976 to 1982. It was hosted by Leonard Nimoy, and each week the series would conduct an "investigation" into popular paranormal and historical phenomena. The series generally cast its subjects in a positive light, airing footage and interviews with "researchers" into "fringe" areas of science such as psychic phenomena, UFOs, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness Monster and "fringe" theories involving historical events such as the Lincoln Assassination, the mystery of Jack The Ripper, and missing persons including Amelia Earhart.
Nimoy's popularity among science fiction fans (due to his role in the Star Trek television series) won the show a following in fandom circles. Nimoy wrote a particularly fascinating episode of the show dealing with the turbulent life of artist Vincent van Gogh. Nimoy had played van Gogh's brother in a one-man show and set out to find out the truth about the life of the great artist. Many have said that van Gogh was insane, but Nimoy discovered evidence that he actually suffered from epilepsy. He delivered a very touching monologue at the end of the show about Theo van Gogh's final moments with his brother Vincent.
When Nimoy left the series to pursue movie-related projects, the show's hosting duties were filled by Sharron Miller.