Image talk:Rabbit brain pl keyed.png

This is a corrected version of the image uploaded here:

Whatever was the problem that caused it to invert is fixed. (The file needed to be exported as .png rather than saved as .png.) I replaced the version on my hardrive with one appended .png in lowercase. But when I try to upload that over the version here on the Wikipedia servers, the Wiki seems to change it to uppercase .PNG and starts a new image file. I can live with that, but for now there is an orphan image where Rabbit_brain_pl_keyed.PNG should properly be stored as Rabbit_brain_pl_keyed.png.

So, this page could be fast deleted at this editor's request, or someone that can figure this out can replace this image with the one at Rabbit_brain_pl_keyed.PNG. The good version is linked to a talk page pending verification of the key information, so changes in the case of the file name will affect at least the Talk:brain page and eventually probably the brain page. SoCal 18:59, 18 Feb 2004 (UTC)


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