This article is about the fictional nation of Illian from Robert Jordan's the Wheel of Time fantasy fiction series. See also:
- Major Characters in the Wheel of Time series
- Minor Wheel of Time characters
- Events in the Wheel of Time series
- Concepts in the Wheel of Time series
- Places in the Wheel of Time series
Illian is name of a fictional nation in Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" series. Illian is located in the extreme south of "Randland." Illian is a rich and powerful nation, whose commerce relies on trade and fishing. The capital of Illian is the city of Illian. Her sign is nine golden bees. The crown of Illian is the Laurel Crown (Crown of Swords). Historically Illian has been at odds with Tear, a rival nation to the east.
Military Forces
Illian's elite troops are known as the Companions. This organization is rare in that foreigners can rise to become Captain-General (the top rank in the Companions). They are placed wherever fighting is heaviest, and follow the king into danger. Rand al'Thor's father Tam was a Second Captain of the Companions.
Whenever a Great Hunt (for the Horn of Valere) is called, it always happens in the Great Square of Tammuz in the city of Illian.
Illian is jointly ruled by a King and a Council of Nine Lords. Rand al'Thor is King of Illian, having displaced Sammael (one of the Forsaken) who in turn displaced the last King, Mattin Stepaneos den Belgar.
The dialect of Illian is distinct: Illianers use the emphatic tense of nearly every verb, shun the progressive tense, and use "no" in place of "not." Thus, "That man doesn't serve the Dragon Reborn" becomes in the dialect of Illian "That man do no serve the Dragon Reborn" and "He made sure every stick of bread went to the army" becomes "He did make sure every stick of bread did go to the army."
Illian is thought by many to be based in part on Hellenic or Hellenistic cultures; their uniquely "hands-off" government and their Mediterranean landscape bear a strong resemblance to Ancient Greece.
- Encyclopedia of the Wheel of Time (