Missing image
Two Argonauts before a hunt. The personages have been tentatively identified as Heracles and Hylas.
Engraving from the Cista Ficoroni, an Etruscan ritual vessel. Villa Borghese, Rome
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Engraving from the Cista Ficoroni, an Etruscan ritual vessel. Villa Borghese, Rome
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Spoken-word myths - audio files
The Heracles and Hylas myth as told by story tellers |
1. Heracles and Hylas, read by Timothy Carter |
Bibliography of reconstruction: Homer, Odyssey, 12.072 (7th c. BCE); Theocritus, Idylls, 13 (350 - 310 BCE); Callimachus, Aetia (Causes), 24. Thiodamas the Dryopian, Fragments, 160. Hymn to Artemis (310 - 250? BCE); Apollonios Rhodios, Argonautika, I. 1175 - 1280 (c. 250 BCE); Apollodorus, Library and Epitome 1.9.19, 2.7.7 (140 BCE); Sextus Propertius, Elegies, i.20.17ff (50 - 15 BCE); Ovid, Ibis, 488 (8 CE - 18 CE); Gaius Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, I.110, III.535, 560, IV.1-57 (1st c. C.E.); Hyginus, Fables, 14. Argonauts Assembled (1st c. CE); Philostratus the Elder, Images, ii.24 Thiodamas (170 - 245 CE); First Vatican Mythographer, 49. Hercules et Hylas |
External links
- The Story of Hercules and Hylas (http://www.androphile.org/preview/Library/Mythology/Greek/)
- Carlos Parada, "Hylas" (http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Hylas.html)
- Lily Boy (http://digital-fruit.net/Lily)de:Hylas