Hot Gossip
Hot Gossip were a British dance troupe created for the TV series The Kenny Everett Video Show, which aired on ITV in the late 1970s. It was created and choreographed by Arlene Phillips. The sexually suggestive dance routines, moves, gestures and costumes used by the troupe were considered very risqué, especially considering the early evening timeslot that the Video Show was broadcast in.
Hot Gossip also made a couple of pop records, featuring Sarah Brightman on lead vocal. They scored a hit with I Lost My Heart To a Starship Trooper, a lightweight disco track that cashed in on the media hype surrounding the original Star Wars film. They went on to record an album in the early 1980s, Geisha Boys and Temple Girls, produced by the Human League's leader Phil Oakey. The album was a complete commercial failure.