Harvey Pekar
Missing image Harveypekar.jpg Harvey Pekar in a promotional shot for the 'American Splendor' movie |
Harvey Pekar (born 1939) is an American underground comic book writer. His friendship with R. Crumb led to the creation of the autobiographical comic book series American Splendor, later adapted as a movie, for which he is best known. This series eventually became successful enough to get him eight guest appearances on Late Night with David Letterman in the late 1980s. However, his confrontational style and overt on-air criticism of General Electric (which owned NBC) led to the show banning him as a guest until the early 1990s.
In addition to American Splendor, Pekar is a prolific jazz and book critic. He has also won awards for his essays broadcast on public radio.
Pekar was born in Cleveland, Ohio and lives in Cleveland Heights. He is married to writer Joyce Brabner, with whom he collaborated on Our Cancer Year, a graphic novel autobiography of his struggle with cancer.
External link
- Personal homepage (http://www.harveypekar.com/)
- Internet Movie Database (http://imdb.com/name/nm0670688/)de:Harvey Pekar