In the vernacular, hardline means taking an intellectual or political position that is extreme and uncompromising. A different sense of the word is treated here.
The Hardline movement was instigated by the band Vegan Reich, and can be considered as a more extreme form of straight-edge. Hardline followers are expected to adhere to an interpretation of straight-edge ideals at an uncomprimising level. The most obvious thing that sets hardline apart is the advocation of violence in the furtherance of their beliefs, and the impostion of one's chosen lifestyle upon others, wheras Straight-edgers would prefer to leave such decisions as matters of personal choice.
For hardliners such beliefs include abstaining from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, as well as sex, caffeine, and over-the-counter (and occasionally prescription) medicine. Furthermore, they typically adhere to strict veganism, not eating any foods that contain animal by-products or wearing any clothing that come from animals, such as leather or wool. A strict interpretation of the hardline philosophy holds that sex is only for procreation. Some hardliners argue that homosexual behavior should therefore be avoided.
Relations between hardliners and straightedgers tended to vary from community to community, from free association to polar opposition. The Hardline movement largely faded away towards the end of the 1990s.
Further information
For one critique of the underlying philosophies check out Murray Bookchin's Social Anarchism Or Lifestyle Anarchism: An Unbridgeable Chasm.
Hardline is also a Heavy Metal band.