Gottfried Achenwall
Gottfried Achenwall (born 20 October 1719 in Elbląg, Poland - died 1 May 1772) was a German statistician. He is counted among the inventors of statistics.
Beginning in 1738 he studied in Jena, Halle, again Jena and Leipzig. In the years 1743 to 1746 he worked as controller in Dresden. He was awarded his magister in 1746 by the philosophical faculty of Leipzig and went in the following to Marburg to work as assistant professor lecturing history, statistics, natural and international law. In 1748 he was called to Göttingen to become extraordinary professor of philosophy, in 1753 extraordinary professor of law and regular professor of philosophy. In 1761 professor of natural law and politics, in 1762 doctor of both laws.
In 1765, Achenwall became court counsellor of the Royal British and the Electoral court of Braunschweig-Lüneburg. With financial support from the king he travelled to Switzerland and France in 1751 and to Holland and England in 1759.
- Abriß der neuen Staatswissenschaft der vornehmen Europäischen Reiche und Republiken, 1749, in the following editions titled Staatsverfassung der Europäischen Reiche im Grundrisse, 1752 ff.
- Achenmann and Johann Stefan Pütter: Naturrecht, 1750, 1753
- Jus Naturae, 2 vol., 1755-56 ff, edition VII in 1781 with a preface from Johann Henrick Christian de Selchow.
- Grundsätze der Europäischen Geschichte, zur politischen Kenntnis der heutigen vornehmsten Staaten, 1754, 2nd edition 1759 titled Die Geschichte der heutigen vornehmsten Staaten im Grundrisse, 5th edition 1779
- Entwurf der Europäischen Staatshändel des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, 1756, 4th edition 1759
- Staatsklugheit nach ihren ersten Grundsätzen, 1761, 4th edition 1759
- Juris gentium Europaei practici primae lineae, 1775, unfinished.
- Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie - online version ( Achenwall