Gospel Book
The Gospel Book, or Book of the Gospels is a codex or bound volume containing one or more of the four Gospels of the Christian New Testament.
Modern Use
In current Roman Catholic usage, the Book of the Gospels contains all four gospels and is utilized by the priest or deacon to read the gospel of the day during the Mass. However, use of the Book of the Gospels is not mandatory, and the gospel readings are included in the standard Lectionary. Many parishes choose to utilize the Book of the Gospels, particularly on Sundays because the Book of the Gospels may be carried in the entrance procession while the Lectionary may not. (GIRM, 120) When carried in procession, the Book of the Gospels is held slightly elevated, though not over the head. It is particularly proper for the deacon to carry the Book of the Gospels in procession, as the reading of the gospel is his particular province. When there is no deacon, the Book may be carried by a lector.
Upon reaching the altar, the deacon or lector bows in veneration of the altar, then places the Book upon the altar, where it remains until the Alleluia. During the singing of the Alleluia, the deacon, or in his absence, the priest, removes the Book from the altar and processes with it to the ambo. It then remains at the ambo until the Mass concludes. If the Rite of Dismissal of catechumens is celebrated, the Book of the Gospels is carried in procession in front of the catechumens as they leave the church.
Historical Use
In the Middle Ages, the production of copies of the Bible in its entirety was rare. Individual books or collections of books were produced for specific purposes. Gospel Books were produced for private study or for ceremonial purposes. Many of these volumes were elaborate. Gospel books often contained, in addition to the text of the Gospels themselves, supporting texts including Canon Tables, summaries, glossaries, and other explanatory material.
Significant Gospel Books
- Ada Gospels
- Rossano Gospels
- Mulling Gospels
- Cadmug Gospels
- MacRegol Gospels
- Book of Durrow
- Echternach Gospels
- St. Augustine Gospels
- Stonyhurst Gospel
- Durham Gospels
- Lindisfarne Gospels
- Lichfield Gospels (also known as the St. Chad Gospels)
- Leningrad Gospels
- Book of Kells
- Trier Gospels
- Saint-Martin-desChamps Gospels
- Maaseik Gospels
- Cutbercht Gospels
- Barberini Gospels
- Vienna Coronation Gospels
- Aachen Coronation Gospels
- Ebbo Gospels
- Codex Aureus of St. Emmeram
- Lorsch Gospels
- Gero Codex
- Codex Aureus of Echternach
- Xanten Gospels