Gorp (a backronym for Good Old Raisins and Peanuts or Granola Oats Raisins and Peanuts; also often called trail mix) is a food product used in outdoor recreational activities such as hiking, backpacking, mountaineering and camping. This food mixure is termed scroggin in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Gorp is a mix of food that usually includes those listed and many more. While pre-packaged commercial variants of Gorp are readily available, many outdoorsmen prefer to produce a homemade batch.
Trail mix is an ideal snack food on the trail. It is lightweight and easy to store, because all of its ingredients are desiccated. It is also energy-rich, because of its high content of fats and carbohydrates.
Common ingredients include:
- Chocolate chunks or M&Ms
- Nuts, such as peanuts and cashews
- Breakfast cereals
- Dried fruit
- Shredded coconut
- Seeds, such as sunflower
- Granola
A mix of only nuts, especially those rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and raisins is also known as Student food.