Golden Guide
The Golden Guides are a series of pocket-sized books that were created by Golden Press (mostly a children's book publisher at the time) beginning in 1949. Intended for Grade to High-School level, the series began as field guides with such titles as Birds, Mammals and Flowers, and expanded to a wider range of subjects that weren't strictly identification guides. Titles such as Geology, Photography and Heart taught about these subjects and were not identification oriented so much as educational. Edited at different times by Herbert Zim and Vera Webster, the books were written by experts in their field and illustrated with a simple straightforward style.
School and community libraries began purchasing hardback versions of these little books and many people recall fondly their first introduction to insects or the seashore with these little guides. They have become quite collectable, and some of the rarer titles (such as Hallucinogenic Plants) can fetch high prices depending on the edition and condition.
List of Golden Guides
Acadia National Park Grant Sharpe 1968 American Antique Glass Elizabeth Oliver 1977 Antiques Ann Cole 1967 Architecture Charles Rambert 1969 Bats Of The World Gary Graham 1994 Bicycling George Fichter 1972 & Keith Kingbay Bird Life Stephen Kress 1991 Birds Herbert Zim, 1949 & Ira Gabrielson Birds Of Europe Bertel Bruun 1967 Botany Taylor Alexander, 1970 R. Will Burnett, Zim Butterflies And Moths Robert Mitchell, 1964 & Herbert Zim Cacti Frank Venning 1974 Camping Robert Smallman 1965 Casino Games Bill Friedman 1973 Cats George Fichter 1973 Dinosaurs Eugene Gaffney 1990 Ecology Taylor Alexander, 1973 & George Fichter Endangered Animals George Fichter 1995 Everglades National Park Herbert Zim 1960 Evolution Frank T. Rhodes 1974 Exotic Plants Julia Morton 1971 Exploring Space Mark Chartrand 1991 Families Of Birds Oliver Austin 1971 Fishes Herbert Zim, 1955 & Hurst Shoemaker Fishing George Fichter, 1965 & Phil Francis Flowers Herbert Zim, 1950 & Alexander Martin Flying Barry Schiff 1971 Fossils Frank Rhodes, 1962 H. Zim & Paul Shaffer Gamebirds Alexander Sprunt, 1961 & Zim Geology Frank Rhodes 1972 Guns Larry Koller 1961 Hallucinogenic Plants Richard Schultes 1976 Heart Sarah Riedman 1974 Herbs And Spices Julia Morton 1976 Horses Moira Duggan 1972 Indian Arts Andrew Whiteford 1970 Insect Pests George Fichter 1966 Insects Herbert Zim, 1951 & Clarence Cottam Israel and The Holy Land Rinna Samuel 1967 Italy Paul Friedlander, 1955 & Joseph Brooks Kites Wyatt Brummit 1971 Landforms George Adams, 1971 & Jerome Wyckoff Light And Color Clarence Rainwater 1971 Mammals Zim & Hoffmeister 1955 Mexico Herbert Zim 1969 Modern Painting Michel Hoog 1970 Non-Flowering Plants Floyd Shuttleworth, 1967 & Herbert Zim Oceanography Gilbert Voss 1972 Orchids Shuttleworth, 1970 Zim & Gordon Dillon Pacific Northwest Herbert Zim, 1959 & Natt Dodge Painting - From Its Origins Genevieve Monnier 1969 Painting, Gasser's Guide to Henry Gasser 1964 Photography Herbert Zim & R. Will Burnett Planets Mark Chartrand 1990 Pond Life George Reid 1967 Power Boats Bill Wallace 1961 Reptiles and Amphibians Herbert Zim & 1953 Hobart Smith Rocks And Minerals Herbert Zim 1957 & Paul Shaffer Rocky Mountains Herbert Zim 1964 Sailing Bill Wallace 1960 Scuba Diving Wheeler North 1968 Sculpture, An Introduction To Guillaume Janneau 1970 & Simone Hoog Seashells Of The World R. Tucker Abbott 1962 Seashores Herbert Zim 1955 & Lester Ingle Ski Bill Wallace 1966 & Bob Beattie Sky Observer's Guide R. Newton & M. Mayall 1965 & Jerome Wyckoff Southeast, The American Herbert Zim 1960 Southwest, The American Natt Dodge & Zim 1959 Spiders & Their Kin Herbert & Lorna Levi 1968 Sports Cars Mortarini, Leopold 1968 & Waterfall Stars Herbert Zim 1951 & Robert Baker Trees Zim & A. Martin 1952 Tropical Fish Bruce Halstead 1975 & Bonnie Landa Venomous Animals Edmund Brodie, Jr. 1989 Washington D.C. Robert Smallman 1964 Weather Paul Lehr, 1957 R. Will Burnett & Zim Weeds Alexander Martin 1972 Whales And Other Marine George Fichter 1990 Mammals Wines Henri Fluchère 1973 Yosemite Douglass Hubbard 1970 Zoo Animals Donald Hoffmeister 1967 Zoology Burnett, 1958 Herbert Zim, & Harvey Fisher
External link
- All About Golden Guides ( - an excellent reference