
The Goa'uld [ˈgoʊ˘uːld] are a fictional parasitic alien race in the Stargate SG-1 universe. They look like snakes (near-extinct humanoid aliens in the Stargate movie) but they normally insinuate themselves into the brains of large animals, which they can control. They find humans particularly suitable as hosts. A singular Goa'uld is sometimes referred to as a symbiote.

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A Goa'uld symbiote

On their native homeworld (known only by its SGC designation, P3X-888 and its address Missing image

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) the Goa'uld begin their lifecycle as relatively helpless aquatic larvae, spawned in large numbers from a Goa'uld queen. Those that survive to maturity develop elaborate fins that allow them to spring powerfully out of the water to burrow into a suitable creature's neck. The Unas evolved on the same world and were their original favoured host. Once a Goa'uld takes a host it is not easy for it to switch to another; it loses its fins and its body appears to atrophy significantly. Starfaring Goa'uld developed an alternative lifecycle, modifying a race of humans into Jaffa to act as incubators for their larvae. This was apparently done both to produce powerful warrior servants and to improve the ability of the larval Goa'uld to take a human host on maturity; Goa'uld larvae that grow up "in the wild" have only a fifty percent chance of being able to take a host whereas Jaffa-reared larvae are universally capable.

Most Goa'uld bear the names of classical gods, and especially those of ancient Egypt, but not the Norse gods. In fact, the term Goa'uld means "Children of the Gods". There is still debate as to whether the Goa'uld assumed the names of Egyptian gods already in existence or whether Egyptian mythology stems from the Goa'uld's one-time domination of (ancient) Earth. The most powerful Goa'uld are called System Lords. They rule whole planets, lead huge armies of Jaffa warriors, and maintain fleets of powerful spaceships that resemble pyramids. Major Goa'uld System Lords included Apophis, Ba'al, Heru'ur, Hathor, Osiris, and Anubis many of whom have since died during the progression of the show. The most powerful System Lord was Ra — until the Tauri killed him in the 1994 movie Stargate. The Goa'uld term for the Stargate is "Chaapa'ai".

Goa'uld are able to pass their memories directly to their offspring through genetic memory. This can also occur when a pair of Goa'uld hosts mate and produce an offspring; the resulting child is biologically human but possesses the knowledge of the Goa'uld. Such a child is known as a Harcesis and is considered an abomination by the Goa'uld, who do not normally choose to produce them.

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A human host (Major Kawalsky) after being implanted with a Goa'uld symbiote

A Goa'uld-occupied host usually speaks in an eerily flanged, bass-augmented register (except when allowing the host to act freely, or imitating a normal human); extreme emotions in the Goa'uld cause the host's eyes to briefly glow. The Goa'uld instill increased strength and remarkable healing abilities in their hosts; the host shrugs off injuries that would incapacitate or kill most humans, and experiences a lifespan of centuries (which System Lords commonly extend almost indefinitely through the technological means of a sarcophagus). Being a host is regarded as a living hell and those hosts who have been under the control of Goa'uld for extended periods of time are widely suspected of having gone insane. Most of the Goa'uld killed in Stargate SG-1 have been in a host at the time, who died along with them. The death of the host in these instances has generally been considered merciful. If any attempt is made to forcibly remove a Goa'uld from a host the Goa'uld may release a deadly toxin into the blood stream of the host, killing the hapless individual. Nevertheless, the Tok'ra are able to accomplish this in some cases as well.

A subculture exists within the Goa'uld called the Tok'ra (Meaning literally "Against Ra"), a group of Goa'uld who are opposed to the ways of the System Lords. Descended from the Goa'uld Egeria, they share the desire to have a truly symbiotic relationship with their hosts. They are a resistance movement which attempts to overthrow the System Lords' tyranny. Although biologically the same species, Tok'ra prefer to not be referred to as Goa'uld.

Goa'uld symbiotes can be refined and used as a drug called Tretonin. When used, the user gains many of the same health advantages having a Goa'uld symbiote allows. However, use of the drug also kills the user's immune system.

Goa'uld are parasitic in a technological sense as well. While many races in the galaxy, like the Asgard and the Ancients, developed their own technology over many thousands of years, the Goa'uld achieved their current level of technological strength by discovering or stealing the technology of other races and adapting it to their own use. It is unknown if any individual pieces of Goa'uld technology were actually developed originally by the Goa'uld themselves; more often than not, the Goa'uld, in their arrogance, will claim to have 'invented' a piece of technology that they in fact did not. The Stargates themselves are a prime example of this; while they were created and built by the Ancients, the Goa'uld have controlled so many of the galaxy's Stargates for such a long period of time that they automatically take credit for their invention. This fiction is just another of the claims that helps reinforce the Goa'ulds' position as gods in the minds of those who are ruled by them.

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The Ashrak

An Ashrak is a highly trained, highly dangerous Goa'uld assassin, usually employed by a System Lord. Ashrak exhibit such techniques as technically advanced rings which can alter memories of those it is used upon, and cloaking, similar in technology to the Goa'uld Nirrti.

An Ashrak usually uses a Harakesh (aka Ashrak device), which is a smaller version of the Goa'uld hand device, taking the form of an elaborate ring. Its function is to kill the Ashrak's victim, but it is also mainly used to torture to victims into releasing information. It is also capable of affecting other people, to make them obey the Ashrak's commands. Afterwards the victim remembers nothing of the Ashrak.

Goa'uld language

The Goa'uld language is a fictional language spoken by the Goa'uld from the television series Stargate SG-1


The goa'uld language started out as the Unas Language, and was limited by the vocal abilities of the Unas. But as the Goa'uld started to take more human hosts, their language developed and became a primary influence for Ancient Egyptian. It is now the primary language throughout the galaxy.


With a few rare exceptions, covered later, Goa'uld syntax follows the SVO sentence structure.


At present, it is believed that Goa'uld has no third-person pronoun, instead, one uses the proper noun for that object.

The pronouns are:

  • "Ta"=I
  • "Lo"=You

To form the plural of either of the above pronouns, one simply adds the suffix -k. For example: "Tak"=Us, "Lok"=you all. It is also allowed to use the proper noun instead of the pronoun.


In goa'uld there seem to be no verb forms, that is, past, present and future tense are the same, the verb remains the same regardless of the subject(no conjugation). For example: "tal pac"=to fall, falling, fell, will fall, etc.



  • Al'kesh = mid-ranged warship
  • Aroush = villiage
  • Ashrak = assasin, hunter (see above)


  • Chappa'ai = Stargate
  • Cra = to(I went "cra" the store)


  • Delmak = crystal


  • Hara kesh = torture device(see above)
  • Ha'taaka = Derogatory word
  • Ha'tak = Goa'uld mothership


  • Khek = Weakness/Death
  • Kree = ready(see below)


  • Lo = I


  • Mel = To die/to expire/to end


  • naquadah = quartzite stone


  • Pel'tak = bridge on the Ha'tak


  • Rai = star


  • Satak = great/the great


  • Ta = I
  • Terac Shri = oblivion


  • Unas = the first ones


  • vol'cume = device for recording and transmitting messages


The word "Kree" has many meanings, but essentaially, it means ready. It also means prepared, in action(not inaction) aim, and prepare. "Kree" can be combined with verbs to say that a thing is happening. For example: "Kree" + "Hol"(execute, engange, go)='we are going' or 'Go!' by adding "mel"(to die, to expire, to end) it becomes "Kree hol mel" (standby, halt, wait).

Modifying Words

In Goa'uld advrverbs go before the verb they modify. And sometimes, a direct object will precede the verb, rather than follow it.

Dual Sentence

Goa'uld is a very powerful language because of the dual sentance ability of the language. This allows two separate ideas to be expressed in one sentence. If the ideas have a common word, then it is only said or written once, saving time and effort.

For example:

"Lo tak meta satak oz" means both 'You are speaking to the great Oz' and 'I am the great OZ'. If we break it down, we see "Lo - meta satak Oz" You(Lo) speaking to(meta) great Oz(satak Oz). We also see "Tak - satak Oz" I am(Tak) the great Oz(satak Oz).

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