Furling (Stargate)
In the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1, the Furlings are an alien race. Little is known about them, save that they were a member of the "alliance of four great races", along with the Ancients, Asgard, and Nox. However, occasional artifacts attributed to the Furlings have been identified. Furling writing has also been seen in the show in the first-season episode "The Torment of Tantalus" along with the writings of the other great races.
It has also been suggested that they are a peaceful race. In the sixth-season episode "Paradise Lost" it is discovered that the Furlings had set up a Utopian community of humans without weapons or advanced technology. The colony was destroyed by a Goa'uld who was able to smuggle in seeds for a plant that produced a paranoia-inducing chemical, causing the inhabitants to go insane and kill each other.
Jack O'Neill has concluded that the Furlings must be cute and cuddly creatures, based solely on their name. Knowing that they were part of the alliance of four great races, however, they were probably very powerful and advanced.
Several unnamed races have appeared in Stargate continuity that could in fact be the Furlings, although such theories are unsubstantiated. Possible candidates include the Salesh Spirits or the Giant Aliens from Crystal Skull.