Freshwater shark
Missing image
Balantiocheilos melanopterus
True freshwater sharks take a number of forms:
- the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, which frequently swims up rivers.
- the River sharks, Glyphis spp., which are entirely freshwater.
A number of freshwater cyprinids are also commonly (albeit incorrectly) known as "sharks", including the Silver "shark", Balantiocheilos melanopterus and various members of the genus Labeo.
Shark articles | |
Angel | Basking | Blacktip Reef | Blue | Bull | Carpet | Cat | Cookiecutter | Freshwater | Frilled | Goblin | Gray Reef | Grey Nurse | Great White | Hammerhead | Mako | Megamouth | Nurse | Oceanic Whitetip | Porbeagle | Requiem | River | Sand | Sandbar | Saw | Silky | Sleeper | Smooth dogfish | Thresher | Tiger | Whale (shark) | Whitetip reef | Wobbegong | Zebra / Leopard | |
Extinct shark species | |
Megalodon | Cladoselache | Squalicorax