Forge World
In the universe of the tabletop wargame Warhammer_40,000, a Forge World is a planet that is completely dedicated to the manufacture of the various machines of the Imperium of Man, from farming equipment to war machines such as Tanks, Fighters, or even Titans, to supply other worlds and the vast fighting machine known as the Imperial Guard.
The surface of a Forge World is normally completely covered in massive factory complexes that stretch across the horizon. As to be expected, its ecosystem has been completely destroyed. The air is saturated with toxic gases and rivers flow with toxic run-off from factories. In many cases, even seas and oceans have been dried up to make room for more factories. However, the sheer output benefits the Imperium as a whole.
One of the best-known forge worlds in the Imperium is Mars, home of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Forge World is also the name of a sister company to Games Workshop that designs and sells resin models for the Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Fantasy and other Games Workshop games. Forge World models are usually high quality (albeit expensive), completely playable, models of rare or variant vehicles, from Super-Heavy Tanks and Titans to Fightercraft, Dragons, and Daemons. They also sell transfers and bitz that can be used to customize official Games Workshop minatures. Most Forge World models require special rules (found in the Imperial Armor series of books, as well as your opponent's permission to deploy them.
External link
- Official Forgeworld Website (