Fictional guidebook
Some fictional universes feature useful guidebooks which assist the hero and friends through difficult situations.
Features of a great fictional guidebook: Such books are ideally compact enough to carry on even the most strenuous adventures, yet detailed enough to contain exactly the information the reader needs at that particular point in the plot. Many guidebooks are electronic in nature; some can access relevant information through a wireless connection.
Fictional guidebook | Universe |
Encyclopedia Galactica | The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | Hitchhiker Trilogy (five books) by Douglas Adams |
The Junior Woodchucks Guidebook | Donald Duck comics by Carl Barks and Ducktales (tv series) |
Encyclopedia Frobozzica | Zork |
The Book of Rules | The Dancing Gods series by Jack Chalker |
A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer | Neal Stephenson's novel, The Diamond Age |
Planetary Guides (annual) | Planetary by Warren Ellis |
Pokédex | Pokémon games and animation |
Highly Unpleasant Things It Is Sometimes Necessary to Know and Things That Are Not Good to Know at All | John Barnes's novel, One for the Morning Glory |
The Mrin and Darine Codices | David Eddings' Belgariad and Malloreon |
Ferengi Rules of Acquisition | Star Trek |
Twurp's Peerage and Wormhold's Steerage | Terry Pratchett's Discworld series |
Tobin's Spirit Guide | Ghostbusters |
The Spells of Astoroth | Bedknobs and Broomsticks |
Handbook for the Recently Deceased | Beetlejuice |