El Eternauta
El Eternauta is a science fiction comic created by Argentine comic strip writer Hector Germán Oesterheld in 1958.
The story begins with an extraterrestrial invasion to Earth. A deadly snowfall produced by the invaders covers Buenos Aires wiping out most life in a few hours. Juan Salvo, along with a couple of friends (Favalli and Lucas), his wife, and his daughter remain safe from the lethal snowflakes thanks to the protection of Juan Salvo's home and the cleverness of Favalli. They soon get organized in order to survive the snowfall, making special suits to leave the house, protected from the snow.
They soon find out the true nature of the strange phenomenon and join an improvised resistance army to fight the invaders back. They march to the country's capital city having to fight on different occasions against giant insects, a species of humanoid with dozens of fingers on each hand, and giant elephantine beasts capables of knocking a building down. However they never get to meet the real invaders, who remain hidden, controlling everything from the distance.
After a few victories, the resistance is finally ambushed and reduced to just a few men. They split, and Juan Salvo tries to escape with his wife and daughter using one of the alien spaceships, but he accidentally triggers a time traveling machine in the craft. As a result, the three are lost in separated time dimensions known as continuums. Juan Salvo begins to travel through time seeking for them, thus getting the name of Eternauta (he who travels through eternity).
- El Eternauta (1958) by H.G. Oesterheld (script) and Solano López (art)
- El Eternauta, second part (1976) by H.G. Oesterheld (script) and Solano López (art)
- El Etarnauta, remake (1969) by H.G. Oesterheld (script) and Alberto Breccia (art)
- El Eternauta, third part (1983) by Alberto Ongaro (script), Mario Morhain and Oswald (art)
- El Eternauta, cosmic hatred (1999) by Pablo Muñoz, Ricardo Barreiro (script), Walter Taborda and Gabriel Rearte (art)
- El Eternauta, the return (2003) Pablo Maiztegui (script) and Solano López (art)
External links
- www.eternauta.com (Spanish)es:El Eternauta