In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, Edoras was the capital of Rohan.
The city of Edoras was built on a hill in a valley of the White Mountains by Rohan's second King, Brego son of Eorl the Young. Before this, Rohan's capital was at Aldburg in the Folde.
Edoras was Rohan's only real city, and held the Golden hall of Meduseld. It was here that Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and Gandalf the White met with Théoden King.
Edoras was built at the end of the valley of Harrowdale, which lay under the great mountain Starkhorn.
The river Snowbourn flowed past Edoras on its way west towards the Entwash.
In Peter Jackson's film version, Edoras was built on Mount Sunday, in the upper reaches of the Rangitata Valley, near Erewhon.