Duckburg is a fictional city created by Carl Barks in Disney comic books. It is located in the fictional state of Calisota and was founded by Cornelius Coot. Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, Daisy Duck and others live here. Duckburg has been given a long history by many creators but the most known "facts" are those presented in stories by Carl Barks and Don Rosa.
Duckburg in other languages:
- Danish and norwegian: Andeby
- Dutch: Duckstad
- Finnish: Ankkalinna
- French: Donaldville
- German: Entenhausen
- Hungarian: Hápbörg
- Icelandic: Andabćr
- Italian: Paperopoli
- Polish: Kaczogród
- Portuguese: Patópolis
- Romanian: Raţburg
- Slovene: Račjigrad
- Spanish: Patoburgo / Patolandia / Patópolis
- Swedish: Ankeborg
- Greek: Limnoupolis ("Lake City")
- Indonesian: Kota Bebek
The Entenhausen stories went down especially well in Germany, mainly due to the skill of their translator Erika Fuchs who coined new, popular German phrases.
External links
- History by Barks and Rosa (
- Study on Duckburg's location, and Duckburg maps (
- Duckburg information at Paperinik site (
de:Entenhausen es:Patolandia fr:Donaldville it:Paperopoli nl:Duckstad no:Andeby nn:Andeby pt:Patópolis sv:Ankeborg