In the Dungeons and Dragons universe, driders are dark elves, also known as drow, that have been transformed from the waist down so they have the body of a spider. The transformation is typically a punishment for offending their goddess, or failing a test of Lolth.
The Everquest creatures called Drachnids are basically driders.
Only female high level priests of Lolth in good standing (have Lolth's favor) are able to initiate the transformation. This transformation is very painful, and lasts at least 12 hours. Do to bloating, driders appear sexless, though they are not able to reproduce. They develop a poisonous bite. Their digestion changes and they must drink blood of living creatures for sustenance.
Though in the Drowtales[1] (http://www.drowtales.com) universe, driders come in three 'breeds'. Ne'kalsaider - civilized driders that were actually born as driders. From the waist up they are attractive drow, but have 4 pairs of red eyes, and fangs. Waelinder - the cursed are the newborn driders. Still sane yet neutered (they still look like drow, except they have 7 eyes, the normal 2, a large central eye, and 4 crystal sized ones -all red) and without hope. Where there was respect, there is now only disgust. Few survive & 99% of them go mad, alone in the tunnels. Streekaider - Those wild driders who have fallen to madness. Their simple minds still remember the bad treatment they received. They are some of the most dangerous creatures of the underdark. Even their upper halves become more spider-like at this stage.
They still maintain the spells and special abilities they had developed as a drow. Thus there can exist any character class of drider. They retain intelligence and memories. This usually makes them bitter, spiteful creatures. Some hunt for magic powerful enough to undo the transformation.
Driders play many roles in drow society. The dark elves both fear and are revolted by Driders. After transformation they are usually pushed to the wild area around a drow city. They are usually found in company with tiny, huge and giant spiders.