Divining rod
A divining rod (also known as dowsing rod) is an apparatus used in dowsing. There are many types of divining rods:
- two brass "L" shaped wire rods (commonly made of brazing or welding rod) that are to be held in each hand. When something is found they cross over one another making an "X" over the found object. Brass is used to prevent interference due to the Earth's magnetic field.
- A forked (or "Y" shaped) willow branch. The two ends on the forked side are to be held in each hand with the other pointed straight ahead. The branch turns up or down when an object is found. This method is sometimes known as 'Willow Witching'.
Divining rods are used in dowsing, a type of divination that claims to be able to find underground water, oil, and other mineral resources by means not traditionally accepted by science.