Dick Dastardly
Dick Dastardly, voiced by Paul Winchell, is a fictional character and villain who appeared in various animated series by Hanna-Barbera Productions. Dastardly's most famous appearances are in the series Wacky Races, his initial appearance, and Wacky Races spinoff Dastardly and Muttley in their Flying Machines.
In Wacky Races, Dick Dastardly was one of the racers who competed in every episode for first place in a long and hazard-filled cross-country road rally. As his name implies, Dastardly aimed to win solely through cheating and trickery. His race car, named "The Mean Machine," featured all sorts of devious traps for him to use against his opponents. As Wacky Races is inspired by the film The Great Race, so was Dastardly derived from the movie's chief villain, Professor Fate. Dastardly in this series wore old-fashioned racer's gear---a long violet overcoat, long red gloves, and a large striped hat with driving goggles attached. Dastardly also, like the cartoon villain Snidely Whiplash, sported a luxurious handlebar mustache.
Dastardly was aided in his schemes by his sidekick, a scruffy dog named Muttley who had a distinctive wheezy laugh.
In spite of Dastardly and Muttley's attempts, the "double-dealing do-badders", as the opening theme of Wacky Races describes them, failed to win a single race. Dastardly's plans were always foiled either by his or Muttley's incompetence, the actions of another racer, or sheer bad luck, resulting in Dastardly crossing the finish line last, if at all. One of the great ironies of the show was that, if Dastardly had not bothered to cheat, often he would have won fairly. Upon tasting defeat, Dastardly would utter his catchphrase: "Drat, drat, and double drat!"
Dick Dastardly continued his villainous career in the Wacky Races spinoff Dastardly and Muttley in their Flying Machines, also informally known by some as Stop That Pigeon! (due to the theme song using this phrase repeatedly). In this series, Dastardly and Muttley, as flying aces, plus two other pilots comprised the "Vulture Squadron," which tried constantly to stop a messenger pigeon from delivering messages to an opposing army. As in Wacky Races, Dastardly continued to fail miserably at his mission.
In later years Dastardly and Muttley were the nemeses for Yogi Bear and his friends in the 1980s series Yogi's Treasure Hunt. This time, Dick repeatedly failed at discovering hidden treasure before Yogi and his team. Dastardly and Muttley also appeared as teenagers in the short-lived series Yo, Yogi!.es:Pierre Nodoyuna