Danger, Will Robinson
"Danger, Will Robinson!" is a catch phrase derived from Lost in Space which characterizes the relationship between the robot and Will Robinson. The autonomous (and unnamed) robot takes a protective attitude toward Will, and alerts him to dangerous situations. He expects Will to take immediate action to protect himself. The robot cannot do everything, even though its sensors are amazing:
- "Warning! Warning! Alien spacecraft approaching!"
In hacker culture and in Western society generally, the catch phrase is a facetious way one person tells another that he or she is about to make a stupid mistake; that there's a factor he or she overlooked which ought to be taken into account.
When given in person the vocal warning sometimes comes with a certain amount of waving of one's arms left and right and up and down, as the robot did in the series.
External link
Further quotes from Lost in Space (http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Lost_in_Space)