Dan Geer
Dan Geer is a former computer security consultant for @stake, a company cooperating with Microsoft. He published a 2003 paper arguing that Microsoft was a monoculture; he was later fired.
The 24 page report entitled CyberInsecurity: The Cost of Monopoly (http://www.ccianet.org/papers/cyberinsecurity.pdf) was released by the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA (http://www.ccianet.org/)) which made the argument that Microsoft is a threat to national security.
Geer has a Ph.D. in biostatistics, from Harvard and has worked for
- Health Sciences Computing Facility, Harvard School of Public Health
- Project Athena, MIT
- Digital Equipment Corporation
- Geer Zolot & Associates
- OpenVision Technologies
- Open Market
- Certco
He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
External links
- Oh Dan Geer, where art thou? by Ellen Messmer (http://napps.nwfusion.com/weblogs/security/003879.html)
- Data Security Economics Point at the Host by Dan Geer (http://mediaproducts.gartner.com/gc/webletter/verdasys/issue1/)
- Security of Information When Economics Matters by Dan Geer (PDF format) (http://www.verdasys.com/pdfs/EconMatters.pdf)
- The Shrinking Perimeter: Making the Case for Data-Level Risk Management by Dan Geer (PDF format) (http://www.verdasys.com/pdfs/ShrinkPerim.pdf)
- Dan Geer's The Shrinking Security Perimeter interview (http://www.itconversations.com/transcripts/84/transcript84-1.html)