Dale Gribble
Dale T. Gribble (voiced by Johnny Hardwick) is a character in the animated series King of the Hill. He is an exterminator and paranoid believer of almost all conspiracy theories. Due to his beliefs, he uses the alias Rusty Shackleford whenever he doesn't want his real name known, including when ordering pizza. The neighborhood block charter is the only document Dale has ever signed with his real name; he refuses to sign any document authorized by a government official.
Although he is highly suspicious of the government and other people, he is unaware (although everyone else is) that his wife Nancy had an affair with John Redcorn and that Redcorn is the biological father of his son, Joseph. He runs his own business, Dale's Dead Bug, and drives a van (presumably a Dodge Caravan, nicknamed the "Bugabago") with a large, fake, dead queen ant perched on the roof. He enjoys drinking Alamo Beer with his long-time friends and neighbors, Hank Hill, Bill Dauterive, and Boomhauer.
Purportedly, he shares a birthday with Van Cliburn (July 12).
- Dale: So it turns out I'm not the actual Dale Gribble, but a clone of him. The original Dale Gribble is a super-warrior from the year 2087. The second me, i.e. I, was created to help the first me fight the invading Mongol armies.
Hank: Dale, that's asinine, and here's four reasons why. First, you're not gonna clone a super-warrior out of a guy who can't even win a thumb-wrestling match. Two, you've spent your life swearing that the robots will eliminate the clones by the year 2010, so which is it, robots or clones? Three, you've already said you sympathize with the invading Mongolians of 2087, so you'd be the last one they'd send to fight them. And four, if you were from the future, you would have seen this coming. (punches Dale in the arm) - Dale: Hey, I know what's wrong with your truck. It's your quote-unquote "pollution control". I heard on talk radio you don't even need 'em. They're just an egghead government plot.
Hank: How is cutting down on pollution a government plot, Dale?
Dale: Open up your eyes, man! They're trying to control global warming! Get it? GLO-BAL!
Hank: So what?
Dale: That's code for U.N. comosars telling Americans what temperature it's gonna be in our outdoors. I say, let the world warm up! See what Boutros Boutros-Ghali-Ghali thinks about that! We'll grow oranges in Alaska! - Dale: Joseph, I understand you smoked your first cigarette today.
Joseph: I'm sorry, Dad. I'll never smoke again.
Dale: Whoa! Hold on, son! I want you to keep an open mind so you can make an informed decision! If you want, you can read a bloated government report on smoking, or go straight to the horse's mouth and get the facts from the tobacco industry. (he reads the aforementioned tobacco industry-funded report on smoking)
External links
- FOX Broadcasting Company: King of the Hill (http://www.fox.com/kingofthehill/)