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Complex exponential signal (a "tone" having only negative frequencies.)
Corkscrew may be:
- Corkscrew (tool), a tool for drawing stopping corks from bottles
- Corkscrew (roller coaster), a popular inversion element used on many steel roller coasters.
- Corkscrew waterslide, a helix-shaped waterslide, and also the proper name of the waterslide at Toronto's Delta Chelsea hotel (the 4-storey waterslide known as the Corkscrew).
- Corkscrew (program), a computer program used to run SSH connections over HTTPS proxy servers.
- The corkscrew, a swimming stroke in which the swimmer alternates between freestyle and backstroke with every stroke.
- The shape made by a complex exponential <math>\exp(2 \pi i f_c t)<math> when plotted as a three dimensional plot of Real, Imaginary, and t.
See also helicity.