Connectix Corporation was a software and hardware company, noted for having released innovative products which were then sold to other companies once they become popular. It was formed in January 1989 and Roy McDonald was Chief Executive Officer and president when it finally closed in August 2003.
Examples included:
- MODE32 sotware to allow 32-bit addressing on 32-bit-dirty Macintosh systems, later bought by Apple and distributed for free.
- QuickCam webcams, sold to Logitech
- Virtual Game Station, PlayStation emulation software, sold to Sony (who dropped it immediately)
- Virtual PC and Virtual Server emulation software of x86-based personal computers for the Macintosh and Windows, sold to Microsoft
With the sale of Virtual PC development and support staff were transferred to Microsoft including Chief Technical Officer Eric Traut. Its Macintosh products, including DoubleTalk, CopyAgent and RAM Doubler, were discontinued.